Attending my first sales meeting what should I expect

The meeting itself is long and worthless. What can you say about a 20 year old proudest that people hate to wear and a bunch of products no one wants?But if it’s anything like Charlotte it will be something to remember!!!!

This one will be epic and go down in the history books. We’re talking yayo off strippers titties, all night binges and hot tub parties, throwing up in the bathroom, and tons of orgies. Just bought my prophylactics, liquid IV, and an 8 ball just for myself. Need a little pick me up when it’s time for my role play, lol.

It will be a gigantic waste of time! There is nothing to talk about except that our competition has a better product and we have nothing new. The party will be EPIC though! Lots of new faces to mingle with.

There will be some great local and National
Leaders there. Be prepared to soak in all of the knowledge and try to use the teachings in the field. Pay attention and do not drink!