Random Observations:
- Where was DR at this meeting? The man is checked out.
- Kristen Fink needs to be exited out the door or provided with a complete fashion makeover and executive coach.
- The mood of the meeting was brutally poor and lacked motivation.
- Phil and Rich K are as big pharma as you can get. They were over scripted and inauthentic. Poor leadership and if that's our succession plan when DR leaves we are all in trouble.
- Bob T was better than Jezz but flat and uninspiring.
- Jezz used the slide deck meant for the United Kingdom...seriously with Formula One racing dude? Using terms like crisis and you can do better is counter to any Motivational speech in the history of mankind. He should be fired.
- Sanofi is laying people off and increasing Primary Care force which is a bad investment. It's the Specialist's Stupid.
- Content for meetings was pathetic. We have too many meetings planned by people justifying their jobs that lack any type of practicality.
- Something has got to give. This launch isn't getting better and role playing is out of a big pharma playbook that doesn't work.
- The elephant in the room is that everyone is looking to leave this company. There are multiple people who are actively interviewing to leave. Top leaders are millionaires and are fat and happy.