Ok let's be honest - Cafe Pharma is 90% disgruntled ex-employees (many of which are still unemployed) ranting and raving about a bunch of pent up issues about their ex-employers. It's hard to take ANYTHING on these boards seriously, but I have to ask anyways. Despite the problems with the FDA, the low stock prices, and the debt, is BSCI a good place to work as a sales rep? I know this varies by division, but let's look at the overall picture. Is the pay, the ability to advance in the company, and the culture as good as everyone says it is- providing you work hard and intelligently? I've always thought of Boston as the cream of the crop, and have always looked up to their reps as those that have "made it" in our field. Is that still the case? No flaming, no b!tching etc, just some honest answers please without overdoing your positive or negative opinion. Would you work at BSCI NOW compared to where it was maybe 5-10 years ago?