At the end of the day.... is BSCI a good place to be employed?


Ok let's be honest - Cafe Pharma is 90% disgruntled ex-employees (many of which are still unemployed) ranting and raving about a bunch of pent up issues about their ex-employers. It's hard to take ANYTHING on these boards seriously, but I have to ask anyways. Despite the problems with the FDA, the low stock prices, and the debt, is BSCI a good place to work as a sales rep? I know this varies by division, but let's look at the overall picture. Is the pay, the ability to advance in the company, and the culture as good as everyone says it is- providing you work hard and intelligently? I've always thought of Boston as the cream of the crop, and have always looked up to their reps as those that have "made it" in our field. Is that still the case? No flaming, no b!tching etc, just some honest answers please without overdoing your positive or negative opinion. Would you work at BSCI NOW compared to where it was maybe 5-10 years ago?

The answer is yes and no. It all depends on your perspective. In this economy, if coming from a small device job, pharma, non-medical sales or unemployment you are going to like BSC. It's a big company with decent people and products. For the most part you will have more support than your competition.

If you helped build Guidant and remember the bad old days, then you are probably fed up with BSC and shrinking cardiac markets. The people in this group find it refreshing to work for less-encumbered companies like BIO or STJ. It's honestly a simple matter of perspective.

You are correct about the disgruntled people on this board. They are either current BSC employees who are angry because we killed the golden goose (Guidant and CRM in general), are former BSC employees who were fired/RIFed or they are competitive reps trying to demoralize what's left at BSC.

OP here I appreciate your words.. Even though BSCI has quite a few divisions, it seems all the complaining is centered around CRM, and their other divisions morale is good - is that the case?

OP here I appreciate your words.. Even though BSCI has quite a few divisions, it seems all the complaining is centered around CRM, and their other divisions morale is good - is that the case?

Morale is still low in other divisions. Neuromodulation has outdated products, electrophysiology is an embarrassment, drug-eluting stents are getting pressured by Abbott, womens health/ob/gyn has outdated products, and endoscopy is just a commodities company. Bonuses and benefits were significantly reduced over the past 2 years. If you don't have any device experience and would like to get your foot in the door, BSX is not a bad place to hang out for 2 years, otherwise look elsewhere at a real company.

Ok let's be honest - Cafe Pharma is 90% disgruntled ex-employees (many of which are still unemployed) ranting and raving about a bunch of pent up issues about their ex-employers. It's hard to take ANYTHING on these boards seriously, but I have to ask anyways. Despite the problems with the FDA, the low stock prices, and the debt, is BSCI a good place to work as a sales rep? I know this varies by division, but let's look at the overall picture. Is the pay, the ability to advance in the company, and the culture as good as everyone says it is- providing you work hard and intelligently? I've always thought of Boston as the cream of the crop, and have always looked up to their reps as those that have "made it" in our field. Is that still the case? No flaming, no b!tching etc, just some honest answers please without overdoing your positive or negative opinion. Would you work at BSCI NOW compared to where it was maybe 5-10 years ago?

Hey, dumb ass, at the end of the day the game is over. Better question is, is this a good place to be now? Answer, hey dung ass, go fuck yourself.

BSCI is an OK place, I can imagine, if one does not have other options. In terms of technology, they are no longer the leader in the stent, EP, or neuromodulation spaces. BSX has also failed to embrace a diverse workforce culture capturing the best people in the industry beyond a narrowly defined group, hurting its production dramatically, though there are very small spots of small progress here and there. That said, there are pockets within BSX that do quite well. It is geographically dependent. If that geography is doing well and you are the rep, manager, or director it is a decent place. The question is, is it a great place? They are doing slightly better at understanding the EP culture, though there are still some integration difficulties. Lets face it, cash flow is a major issue. Fortunately I sold at 80 after the acquisition..the stock performance speaks for itself. It is a good place to break in and learn the craft. As of now however, the momentum has shifted elsewhere.

BSCI is an OK place, I can imagine, if one does not have other options. In terms of technology, they are no longer the leader in the stent, EP, or neuromodulation spaces. BSX has also failed to embrace a diverse workforce culture capturing the best people in the industry beyond a narrowly defined group, hurting its production dramatically, though there are very small spots of small progress here and there. That said, there are pockets within BSX that do quite well. It is geographically dependent. If that geography is doing well and you are the rep, manager, or director it is a decent place. The question is, is it a great place? They are doing slightly better at understanding the EP culture, though there are still some integration difficulties. Lets face it, cash flow is a major issue. Fortunately I sold at 80 after the acquisition..the stock performance speaks for itself. It is a good place to break in and learn the craft. As of now however, the momentum has shifted elsewhere.

They have no understanding of EP. Boston Sci's EP business consists of the "Blazer" and the 1-800 number to order it. What a joke. Look at somebody like St Jude or JNJ, with their fancy 3-D imaging and EP mapping systems. Boston Sci made the decision years ago that EP will be just fine with the "Blazer" and nothing else. Sorry, out in the real world, you need more than that, and that's why STJ and JNJ own EP.

Some docs might use blazer for flutter, but AF and VT there are too many other products that are superior. Mdt now has something that will put a little pressure on, and STJ is coming out with some real cool stuff this year. By the time BSCI does something the others are too far ahead. Internal cooling? Good luck.

wow, i feel like my IQ just dropped after reading this, doesn't even make sense, your an idiot

Hey, come on...give the guy a break. What do you expect from a bsx employee? The poor guy has been getting his ass pounded for years and now is left with selling an ICD that may or may not work. The header may or may not fall off. To further add pain, he is left with leadership that are toxic encephalopathy survivors.

The answer is yes and no. It all depends on your perspective. In this economy, if coming from a small device job, pharma, non-medical sales or unemployment you are going to like BSC. It's a big company with decent people and products. For the most part you will have more support than your competition.

If you helped build Guidant and remember the bad old days, then you are probably fed up with BSC and shrinking cardiac markets. The people in this group find it refreshing to work for less-encumbered companies like BIO or STJ. It's honestly a simple matter of perspective.

You are correct about the disgruntled people on this board. They are either current BSC employees who are angry because we killed the golden goose (Guidant and CRM in general), are former BSC employees who were fired/RIFed or they are competitive reps trying to demoralize what's left at BSC.

The device market is not what it was 5-10 years ago and only a small part of the changes that you've seen are related to BSC taking over guidant. Everyone's live has just went through the changes and got acquire at the same time. Guidant had piles of skeletons in the closet and many of these have come to light since the acquisition, so merger or not, Guidant was going to go through some rough times.

If you want to take credit for the good that you built then you have to take responsibility for the bad as well.

i wish we could filter out the individuals that can't speak intelligently on this site. i have been in the crm space for over 10 years and not with the same company. the market is very cyclical and every company has their issues with reliability. the tables will turn for every company at some point. as far as ripping upper level management, i don't see much value in any of them unless they impact business in the field which is almost extinct. during rough times in markets you will see many manage up and not challenge any corporate decisions as they are too worried about their own jobs. this is what kills organizations. if you are going to post something on this site, have some skins on the wall and don't ride the wave as all of us will be judged how we handle the bad times in the field.

Some people on here are so funny! All the talk is about how much money they dont make (like taking a cut down to 250K a year) or badmouthing other companies. I work for CRM and as someone else said all the crm companies have issues. I came from a job working in a hospital at a job i hated making terrible money. So I guess I can appreciate a good paycheck a little more than some. I like the patient contact, the benefits are great and I pretty much work on my own. The biggest worry is layoffs, which really sucks but happens in all medical sales industries.

Some people on here are so funny! All the talk is about how much money they dont make (like taking a cut down to 250K a year) or badmouthing other companies. I work for CRM and as someone else said all the crm companies have issues. I came from a job working in a hospital at a job i hated making terrible money. So I guess I can appreciate a good paycheck a little more than some. I like the patient contact, the benefits are great and I pretty much work on my own. The biggest worry is layoffs, which really sucks but happens in all medical sales industries.

Well then, Big Boy, saddle up and take the leap. I'd be careful before hooking my star to this POS though. The smart play is simply not with a loser company. Want to learn the craft...think you can hang with the big boys...look at a better company. If you don't have the juice to to it...go back to your shitty paycheck that WILL keep coming every 2 weeks.

Well then, Big Boy, saddle up and take the leap. I'd be careful before hooking my star to this POS though. The smart play is simply not with a loser company. Want to learn the craft...think you can hang with the big boys...look at a better company. If you don't have the juice to to it...go back to your shitty paycheck that WILL keep coming every 2 weeks.

We don't have to worry about MDT and SJM making us look bad. People like this are doing a fine job of it already! I like CP but posts like these are just ridiculous. You'd be well served to be humbled a little and have to suffer like MANY people are these days. Try worrying about where your next dollar is coming from instead of banking on the "shitty paycheck that WILL keep coming every 2 weeks" as you put it

Also, after reading your above comment I know that not only are you an ass but a sexist pig. Did the thought even occur to you that it was written by a female? Duh? Well, it was and she has been employed by this "POS" (as you put it) for quite a while now. Maybe she's happy with herself and her career: something you obviously are not. Good luck in your future happiness. I'm sure it's going to be a joyful experience! .... Not

We don't have to worry about MDT and SJM making us look bad. People like this are doing a fine job of it already! I like CP but posts like these are just ridiculous. You'd be well served to be humbled a little and have to suffer like MANY people are these days. Try worrying about where your next dollar is coming from instead of banking on the "shitty paycheck that WILL keep coming every 2 weeks" as you put it

Also, after reading your above comment I know that not only are you an ass but a sexist pig. Did the thought even occur to you that it was written by a female? Duh? Well, it was and she has been employed by this "POS" (as you put it) for quite a while now. Maybe she's happy with herself and her career: something you obviously are not. Good luck in your future happiness. I'm sure it's going to be a joyful experience! .... Not

Well, Mis Tender Feelings, if you are this fragile, the device world may not be the place for you.

Whatever you do DO NOT join the Neuromodulation division, unless you want to deal with un-educated egomaniacs running your division where favorites reign and actual talent is over-looked; where heresay is the law and integrity does not exist. If you join, welcome to the boys clubs of's a joke. Let's put it this way: there's a RBM in this division that does not even have a 4 year degree....and what's sadder than that is that he's the most competent of them least he goes to president's club a lot....