At plan?

Title shouldn't be "at plan" it should be "on plan." Which is what you'll probably be after two years of working at this revolving door.

Weigh your options carefully.

depends on experience. I have 11 years sales experience, 8 with Ethicon. My at plan is $150k. The rep level above me is about $170k and mind you it is really hard to go above plan

Everyone on this board inside the company knows damn well no one that comes in year 1 from pharma is going to make anywhere near that. Recruiters jobs are to sell you on how great everything is with the company they place people into. That's how they make their money. The harsh reality is if you have been with Ethicon over 8 years or are an executive rep you will make money. New hires in the "new ESC" will make 110k if they do amazing and I promise you someone who is 25 coming from pharma who will do it for a 60K-70K base will win the job. Those that know better will run away from ESC.

......"top reps are earning 600K to 800k and the average rep at plan make 290K...."

See anyone can say anything.

was contacted regarding for a position out west. I am coming from pharma. The recruiter told me $170 at plan. Is this true?

Of course it's true -but impossible to accurately predict for YOU with the number of variables involved. All companies have a Finance Dept in charge of developing a Comp Plan. Their job is to come up with a plan that pays just enough people a bunch of money so that acts as a carrot to keep the rest working hard. Incomes for all companies are all over the board. Some make "at plan" $, some make more, some make less, some make a lot more, some make a lot less and then get put on a Plan. All companies (unless you own it) are them same.