
It seems most of the posts here are regarding the CSR job, which is understandable considering the head count vs ASM's.

All posts here reference poor QOL with intuitive. Sources internally claim this has been improved over the last year or so. Is this true? I would love to hear from some non-disgruntled employees as well. Is the ASM job even worse in terms of QOL?

Anybody know the avg tenure of ASM reps? Are most reps quitting or getting canned? I know income can be through the roof, anyone know the avg? How many ASM's currently in field?


ASM is the asshole/bad cop within the territory. Hospitals get frustrated with ASM's because you are adjitating the market and ultimately pisssing everyone off. It pays well and hospitals are continuing to buy systems. With the products we have coming out that will only increase. The role is good if not the best but the ASM leadership is extremely micro.