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Ask yourself this ....


Do you really think the current pharma sales and marketing model is sustainable? I know wayyy too many people who’ve gotten fat and greedy through our high-paying jobs and benefits.

Is now the time to start thinking about a career shift?

Decreased access, more MC control, virtual engagements, e-vis aid tracking, almost no lunches ... really ? Does what you do bring value ?
No way.

Grow a pair and realize the pharma train was good, actually great, for a long time.
It’s coming to an end folks, get moving on something else.


Era of the Unqualified “Good Ole Boy” White Male is over too. This could fall under “jock” but not the case in most instances I’ve seen if you know what I mean.
The guy who likes to tell you about his promising high school career before the knee injury while chewing pork rinds with his mouth wide open?

Era of the Unqualified “Good Ole Boy” White Male is over too. This could fall under “jock” but not the case in most instances I’ve seen if you know what I mean.

You like to make everything about race, don’t you? Life’s too short to keep attacking people because of the color of their skin.

There will always be Pharma sales, just fewer of us and more highly trained. The era of the bimbo and the jock are over.

“Fewer of us and more highly trained” - when I started in pharma sales decades ago, my territory consisted of parts of 4 states. I competed with Lilly reps, who for the most part, were registered pharmacists.
What goes around comes around.

The pharma sales model has been shifting for 15 years as blockbuster brands go generic. This is no surprise. Look at where the R&D spending by category and payer spending by category. Specialty, biotech, large molecule monoclonal antibodies is where it’s been trending for awhile now. Small Molecule chemically based compounds has been a shrinking category and where job security has been stressful. Specialty divisions in big pharma is where to look. Companies like Abbvie (not the old Allergan division) selling injectables, Amgen, Regeneron, Gilead, etc....is where the innovation is taking place. And those positions pay more as well. Biotech or bust.

“Fewer of us and more highly trained” - when I started in pharma sales decades ago, my territory consisted of parts of 4 states. I competed with Lilly reps, who for the most part, were registered pharmacists.
What goes around comes around.
Hey Old Timer: OMG - - - NOBODY wants your opinion. Remember to take your Metamucil to remain regular.

Hey Old Timer: OMG - - - NOBODY wants your opinion. Remember to take your Metamucil to remain regular.

Why is it that azzholes like you always jump in someone’s chili when they point out that pharma is going back to basics? If Novo continues with layoffs, they will have the headcount they had when we were on the QE2. I doubt you were on that excursion. Too many doctors told me that they didn’t need 3-4 reps a week coming in with the same message. First, the offices restricted managers; when that didn’t work, they kicked out reps. When you did your last MTL (if you ever did one), did you do an honest analysis of how many doctors you could really SEE? If most pharma companies had not bought into Merck and Pfizer’s reach and frequency model in the 1990s, everyone would not be in fear of losing their job every year. You might be surprised to know how many people share this same opinion. Feel free to make it your own.

There will always be Pharma sales, just fewer of us and more highly trained. The era of the bimbo and the jock are over.
Eff the whales.... save the bimbos! Does novo health insurance pay for cosmetic surgery? Sure seems like the bimbos have been upgraded. It ain’t cheap and def driver of client “touch” volumes. Maybe a HSA funded client acquisition cost?