Asian myopia. Where are the Drs?


Amazed we let Dr talent go voluntarily. In the Asia region they have pushed out two globally respected, locally connected clinicians and esteemed Asian ophthalogists and replaced them for no name, unknown, unqualified locals. It was not just Valeant that pushed these good people out. There is blood on Bausch peoples hands. Let us hope this pattern is not to be repeated in Europe and Americas. Why is our leadership not fighting to keep the very professionals we need most in the organisation, eye care professionals? No prescriber voices internally equates to no voice of the customer that equals less sales long term. Not a very good model for success and growth! Very careless.

Same in Europe!!! Valeant is just a M&A company, not interested in talent, retaining good people, products etc. etc.. Just interested in the next merger & cuting more staff.. This business
Model is not sustainable long term