ASDs are jumping ship

ZOLL makes the worse decisions. JW rolls out a contest, then uses that same period as the contest as a new quota baseline for the new year.


People who won the contest have increased quotas.
People who did poorly got huge reductions in quota.
Now I won $7,000 in a contest but my quota was increased so much that I won't make goal for awhile to make up for that extra $7,000 he paid.
Then the same loser tm on my team, that barely brushes her teeth, can't sell, hasn't produced, gets a 50% quota reduction.
Dear Jason, you are an idiot. Bob & Barry, the explanation you have given AD's that AD's are making RM's give are useless.
You will be losing GOOD RM's and TM's because of this. Dumb + Dumb = more turnover
You have demotivated your performers & the people performing but can't always keep up with goal,the people that weren't performing before still won't perform. FOOL4CEO

Nothing will every change at LifeVest. It is shocking to me to see the amount of turn over at every level of this organization. It will never change. It doesn't need to change, it continues to grow. When there is finally a competitor, then they will need to change.

Nothing will every change at LifeVest. It is shocking to me to see the amount of turn over at every level of this organization. It will never change. It doesn't need to change, it continues to grow. When there is finally a competitor, then they will need to change.

Go back to pharma you whiner!!!!!

Go back to pharma you whiner!!!!!

Why as an organization can't ZOLL be honest about its turnover with candidates? 40% turn over annually!!! How many VP of sales have you had in the last 2 years? How many ASM's have resigned or stepped down in the last 2 years? How many RSM's in the last two years? I guess all of those people headed back to pharma too? The TM's? Disgusting. People leave good jobs to come here to find out within months that this place is a mess. Folks stay away from this nightmare.

Why as an organization can't ZOLL be honest about its turnover with candidates? 40% turn over annually!!! How many VP of sales have you had in the last 2 years? How many ASM's have resigned or stepped down in the last 2 years? How many RSM's in the last two years? I guess all of those people headed back to pharma too? The TM's? Disgusting. People leave good jobs to come here to find out within months that this place is a mess. Folks stay away from this nightmare.

Absolutely accurate. Wish someone had warned me and thankful to have escaped.

holy smokes this company continues NOT to surprise me. So here's the latest. An ASD fires one of the top performing RSDs but hasn't the balls to address his lowest performing RSDs. He continues to put TMs on a PIP and but protects his own hires. If you're one of the lucky ones to come on board, you're better to fail as a manager. Of course, JW believes his failures of continued success is on him. He just has not hired enough managers to hire and run off new TMs. New employees: enjoy your short ride! You'll wish you never worked here!

holy smokes this company continues NOT to surprise me. So here's the latest. An ASD fires one of the top performing RSDs but hasn't the balls to address his lowest performing RSDs. He continues to put TMs on a PIP and but protects his own hires. If you're one of the lucky ones to come on board, you're better to fail as a manager. Of course, JW believes his failures of continued success is on him. He just has not hired enough managers to hire and run off new TMs. New employees: enjoy your short ride! You'll wish you never worked here!

Seriously at this point the only people interviewing are the 1.) absolute desparate (eg. extended unemployment or pending unemployment), 2.) those double dipping (thank you btw) 3.) entry level "I want to break in"/ "I just need 2 more yrs", 3.) totally lazy, ill-informed who "feel" they can do a better job. In the end, most are not asking or really interested in the truth for fear of being passed over. Anyone taking this place or job seriously has a hole in their head.

Seriously at this point the only people interviewing are the 1.) absolute desparate (eg. extended unemployment or pending unemployment), 2.) those double dipping (thank you btw) 3.) entry level "I want to break in"/ "I just need 2 more yrs", 3.) totally lazy, ill-informed who "feel" they can do a better job. In the end, most are not asking or really interested in the truth for fear of being passed over. Anyone taking this place or job seriously has a hole in their head.

I like my job. It's a great product & yes there are headaches but as a provider for my family, I make decent money and still spend time with my loved ones. Senior leadership seems to be aware of some issues so hopefully will get better. If you don't like it leave and get off this page.

I like my job. It's a great product & yes there are headaches but as a provider for my family, I make decent money and still spend time with my loved ones. Senior leadership seems to be aware of some issues so hopefully will get better. If you don't like it leave and get off this page.

Finally!! A man brave enough to tell it like it is. Zoll is a real mans job in an age of sissies. When a Doc sees a Zoll rep there is an instantaneous level of respect. When a fellow industry device rep sees a Zoll rep they want his job. When a Pharma rep sees a Zoll rep they are in awe. ZOLL runs this shit.

ZOLL makes the worse decisions. JW rolls out a contest, then uses that same period as the contest as a new quota baseline for the new year.


People who won the contest have increased quotas.
People who did poorly got huge reductions in quota.
Now I won $7,000 in a contest but my quota was increased so much that I won't make goal for awhile to make up for that extra $7,000 he paid.
Then the same loser tm on my team, that barely brushes her teeth, can't sell, hasn't produced, gets a 50% quota reduction.
Dear Jason, you are an idiot. Bob & Barry, the explanation you have given AD's that AD's are making RM's give are useless.
You will be losing GOOD RM's and TM's because of this. Dumb + Dumb = more turnover
You have demotivated your performers & the people performing but can't always keep up with goal,the people that weren't performing before still won't perform. FOOL4CEO

May be true for some reps that are new and maybe less effective than tenured reps. But I can tell you also that I've had uninterrupted growth in a ever smaller territory year to year. But my worst year at Zoll ever followed my best year. We're all on a yo-yo commission plan. Do well one year, they hike the goal, so you suck the next. Suck one year, then they lower the goal (maybe) and it is reachable again.

The bigger problems are stable year to year, 2x2 is a dinosaur approach to medicine. The reimbursement policies work for 5 years ago, but no where near today. They don't care. They simply don't care. It is very sad. This is a wonderful product and it deserves better leaders with actual education and experience that know how to market it correctly.

May be true for some reps that are new and maybe less effective than tenured reps. But I can tell you also that I've had uninterrupted growth in a ever smaller territory year to year. But my worst year at Zoll ever followed my best year. We're all on a yo-yo commission plan. Do well one year, they hike the goal, so you suck the next. Suck one year, then they lower the goal (maybe) and it is reachable again.

The bigger problems are stable year to year, 2x2 is a dinosaur approach to medicine. The reimbursement policies work for 5 years ago, but no where near today. They don't care. They simply don't care. It is very sad. This is a wonderful product and it deserves better leaders with actual education and experience that know how to market it correctly.

Take that back Judas Iscariot

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