As usual, Obama lies again

The choices we are facing as presidential candidates are frightening. There is not one I could vote for.

Here, I'll make it easy for you. As long as it's not Obama or another Democrat, it will be a vast improvement to vote for them.


Any of them beats what we've got and will save our nation from destruction.

The choices we are facing as presidential candidates are frightening. There is not one I could vote for.

IMO you get hung up on non issues and miss what is important. I'm leaning Romney and if he adds Rubio he will be solid.

I have issue with romneycare and mormanism, and still need to watch his level of conviction on key issues. On the good side, he worked in a very liberal state and still had some success but seemed to be too willing to give in. He still has to prove himself to voters. However, he has stayed above the fray and has focused on the issues. He hears the number one issue is jobs and creates a detailed jobs plan, far beyond what this administration has done. He isn't a flash in the pan, gaffe ridden, polarizing force. If you look at the states that are must wins, he is the candidate. This is why the media is pushing Perry as the "obvious" winner.

IMO you get hung up on non issues and miss what is important. I'm leaning Romney and if he adds Rubio he will be solid.

I have issue with romneycare and mormanism, and still need to watch his level of conviction on key issues. On the good side, he worked in a very liberal state and still had some success but seemed to be too willing to give in. He still has to prove himself to voters. However, he has stayed above the fray and has focused on the issues. He hears the number one issue is jobs and creates a detailed jobs plan, far beyond what this administration has done. He isn't a flash in the pan, gaffe ridden, polarizing force. If you look at the states that are must wins, he is the candidate. This is why the media is pushing Perry as the "obvious" winner.

If Romney is the nominee, Obama wins. It is no different than McShamnesty. Remember how the left wingers lauded all over McShamnesty? They know that in a contest between a democrat and a watered down democrat, the democrat will win.

Romney loses points with me on many fronts. First and foremost is his shallow claim that he isn't a career politician. What d you call running for office since 1994?

If the nominee is not an in your face conservative, I will not vote. That is what the left is counting on.

Would you vote for Huntsman over Obama?

Yes, would be open to it - I have to get to know more about Huntsman and his views , but like what I have seen so far. Trouble is, he probably won't get the GOP nomination because he doesn't throw out the red meat rhetoric that the republican primary voters want to hear. He is thoughful, well informed and very 'Presidential'. He could be the person that has the potential to heal the deep political rift that currently exists in DC and beyond. That would be very good for the country.

I think if he did capture the nomination, I think alot of progressive voters would take a good look at Huntsman and, like me, strongly condsider voting for him He is focusing more on New Hampshire and could make a strong run at the nomination down the home stretch, especially if Romney and Perry keep slugging it out and take each other down.

It will be interesting.

If Romney is the nominee, Obama wins. It is no different than McShamnesty. Remember how the left wingers lauded all over McShamnesty? They know that in a contest between a democrat and a watered down democrat, the democrat will win.

Romney loses points with me on many fronts. First and foremost is his shallow claim that he isn't a career politician. What d you call running for office since 1994?

If the nominee is not an in your face conservative, I will not vote. That is what the left is counting on.

I think we want someone with a depth of a politial career, and not a Jr. senator who has voted present. But we also need someone who has worked in the real world job market, which is how he is defining not being a career politician.

I think we want someone with a depth of a politial career, and not a Jr. senator who has voted present. But we also need someone who has worked in the real world job market, which is how he is defining not being a career politician.

While having real world job experience as Romney and Caine do is great, it is not essential. Gingrich, Perry, Santorum, though they have little if any real world job market experience understand capitalism and economics. They would be as good as anyone with experience.

While having real world job experience as Romney and Caine do is great, it is not essential. Gingrich, Perry, Santorum, though they have little if any real world job market experience understand capitalism and economics. They would be as good as anyone with experience.

But what about abortion, medical marijuana and same sex marriage?

Outside of Paul, Huntsman is the worst candidate up there. He's the most liberal so no wonder you like him.

. . . And Hunstman would have the best chance of any of the GOP candidates to win in 2012. He is the most moderate and that's what is needed to capture the progressive voters.

BTW, How is your girl Michelle '6%' Bachmann doing - Is she still 'viable' in your opinion?

. . . And Hunstman would have the best chance of any of the GOP candidates to win in 2012. He is the most moderate and that's what is needed to capture the progressive voters.

BTW, How is your girl Michelle '6%' Bachmann doing - Is she still 'viable' in your opinion?

You seriously want people to believe that you believe this? This is the same thing you said about McShamnesty.

There is no way you and any of your ilk are voting for anyone other than Alibi Ike in 2012 and to say otherwise is a bald face lie.

Why in the world would I be interested in capturing 20% of the elctorate? You and your ilk need to be defeated.

Seriously, explain why in the world if you want Alibi Ike to win reelection would you want the GOP to put up a candidate to that YOU think has the best chance of beating him? Can you explain how that makes any sense?

When the Steelers play the Ravens do you think they would rather have Ngata playing or not playing?

. . . And Hunstman would have the best chance of any of the GOP candidates to win in 2012. He is the most moderate and that's what is needed to capture the progressive voters.

BTW, How is your girl Michelle '6%' Bachmann doing - Is she still 'viable' in your opinion?

Hunstman would have the best chance. If we had to lose I would like it to be to him. For the most part the others are Cristine O'donnell types. They may win the Judeo repub primarie but not the big prize. By the way, Who is Ngata

Hunstman would have the best chance. If we had to lose I would like it to be to him. For the most part the others are Cristine O'donnell types. They may win the Judeo repub primarie but not the big prize. By the way, Who is Ngata

I don't know what is funnier. The fact that you expect us to believe this tripe or that you might actually believe it yourself.

Yeah, I would "consider" voting for Hillary. How does that sound?