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as a PSS level 3 should i get my MBA?

It may get you somewhere. Director and manager need to approve first.
Define "get me somewhere?" This entire industry is collapsing like the tsunami hit Japan and only those that get out early will avoid drowning in the debris left behind. Get your MBA at the companie's expense and then get the hell out.

Why exactly does it matter what level PSS you are as to whether you should get an MBA?

A better position within AZ or in the industry. For example can I skip the trainer role as MBA and become a DSM? Or how marketable am I with PSS experience and MBA? Can I get a better non-rep position that pays me way more?

A better position within AZ or in the industry. For example can I skip the trainer role as MBA and become a DSM? Or how marketable am I with PSS experience and MBA? Can I get a better non-rep position that pays me way more?

An MBA from where? No, an MBA will not make you an instant management candidate. It will just give you an MBA. It won't make you a leader either. That's a good thing, AZ doesn't want those either.


A better position within AZ or in the industry. For example can I skip the trainer role as MBA and become a DSM? Or how marketable am I with PSS experience and MBA? Can I get a better non-rep position that pays me way more?
Wow, what a stupid question. You obviously have not been paying attention to what is happening in the industry. Have a look at the boards from Pfiizer, GSK, Lilly, Merck, Sanofi, etc. The DSM job is going the way of the 8 track tape player and the VCR. AZ will be no different. Bets inside are that half of all DSMs and RSDs will be out of work by 2012.

pretty soon you will have a dsm from india who will coach you via the webcam on the laptop... its all part of saving money and during the calls the cam will be on to see and hear your sales calls.. or should i say your memorized lines

Wow, what a stupid question. You obviously have not been paying attention to what is happening in the industry. Have a look at the boards from Pfiizer, GSK, Lilly, Merck, Sanofi, etc. The DSM job is going the way of the 8 track tape player and the VCR. AZ will be no different. Bets inside are that half of all DSMs and RSDs will be out of work by 2012.

this post is dead on. Commercially the pharma industry is toast. The party is over, but it was a nice ride for many years ripping off the public health community with overpriced meds to pay for a bunch of slacker reps and parasitic HQ types who blow smoke up each others asses with a bunch of BS analysis that has no value and doesn't say anything.

this post is dead on. Commercially the pharma industry is toast. The party is over, but it was a nice ride for many years ripping off the public health community with overpriced meds to pay for a bunch of slacker reps and parasitic HQ types who blow smoke up each others asses with a bunch of BS analysis that has no value and doesn't say anything.
so if they displace your DSM, and they move him back to a rep position, where does that leave you? The plan on the board if cuts is to do just that. Dead weight PSSs out, DSMs as reps

Get itwhile AZ helps pay the bills , hopefully your talking about a night/weekend program from a real university...will it help you??? why are you getting one, where to you want to go from here...an MBA for pharma sales, Big Deal..Better yet use this as an opportunity to network and see what is really out there outside of pharma sales..

so if they displace your DSM, and they move him back to a rep position, where does that leave you? The plan on the board if cuts is to do just that. Dead weight PSSs out, DSMs as reps

DSM as a rep, really, seriously, bahahahahahah...............bahahahaha..................I think I just wet myself. bahahaha.........bahaha.

The ONLY reason to get your MBA while with AZ is the fact that you can get it paid for. If they wont pay for it then no it is not worth it. BUT, remember, you are in a dynamic industry and with one of the most heartless and arrogant sales organizations within a company that is looking to invest in developing countries, not in the US. SO, if you are halfway through and lose your job, you will be unemployed with a half finished MBA and no more company support.

AZ doesnt want smarter employees, they want cheaper and those that can memorize a script. NOTHING MORE. And the above posts about the DSM and RSD jobs are dead on. Run from those and dont look back.

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