ARV7 test


When will the ARV7 biomarker test be available commercially? What company will be producing it? Little response to Xtandi or Zytiga if patient tests positive for ARV7. I'm sure the payers will pay for a test to show which metastatic prostate patients get no response to these expensive orals...

Have a friend at Genoptix that says is company is possibly looking at commercializing ARV7 test with John Hopkins. That would be a good place to leave to especially with abbie going generic and goals will be impossible to make then.

Well, if this biomarker becomes commercialized by John Hopkins and some diagnostic company, we are screwed because the payors will want patients tested and 30-40% will test positive and sales will go down the tubes. Time to start looking…..

There artel on
Annie's that are finalizing this. But as Abi goes generic in couple of years, issue becomes more important for use of Xtandi than Abi since physicians will use the generic drug for all since it would be cheap.

I also had 2 docs bring up the ARV7 test that was published in New Journal of Medicine 9/11/2014…time to jump to whatever company does wind up developing the test.

Medivation is smart. Leadership thinks about their pockets, nothing else. ARV7 test will not generate money for company especially when Abi goes generic in couple of years. Just doesn't make financial sense.