Areds 2 Lawsuit


Talk about a David VS Goliath story! A corporation that was just valued at 9 billion dollars is in "prayor for relief" and is taking a speck of dust sized company to court and asking for a federal court ruling because that company is selling eye vitamins based on a study that was funded with tax payer dollars? Pretty sad b and l.... pretty sad!!

A 9 billion dollar company should be able to absolutely CRUSH this other small mom and pop shop operation. How many marketing people are behind the preservision brand? An entire sales force dedicated to selling to eye care professionals! Unbelievable that this company is so desperate that they hired one of the largest IP firms in the world to go after this small little company. Talk about having zero faith in your product and zero faith in the people that make up your organization.

Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't the Areds and Areds Two studies conducted by the National Eye Institute with tax payer dollars? So how did B and L get a patent on these formulas? If tax payer dollars were used to study the effectiveness of the various different ingredients being studied shouldn't the tax payers have a right to choose which brand they want to purchase? Is the National Eye Institute and the Federal government trying to help patients with macular degeneration or are they trying to help B and L? By giving B and L a patent is virtually creating a monopoly in B and L's favor. Some of you may say, "well B and L donated product to the national eye institute and they have a right to the formula." My response is that donation was probably a very nice tax write off not to mention some added publicity.

Patients with macular degeneration deserve the right to choose from a variety of different brands of the Areds and Areds two products. Having multiple brands to choose from creates fair competition rather than one company receiving an unjust patent and controlling and manipulating the price of only one available product that they own. Let the best brand win. sales, and marketing people win!

This is a perfect example of how a corporate giant is trying to bully the small guy. I am rooting against you losers! Oh by the way, it's spelled zeaxanthin not zeaxanthine! When one of the key ingredients your claiming ownership to in your patent and court forms is spelled wrong it makes you and your high profile lawyer look like greedy, uneducated, idiots! Just saying!

If you have a legal right to something then it is yours. I own my car, my house, my dog, my yard. If the neighbors' kids come over to my large yard and set up a baseball diamond do they have a right to play baseball in my yard. Only if I say it is OK. They are poor kids that could benefit from playing baseball. If they ask I might say OK. If I say no there are other baseball fields to play in. If they go play in a baseball field that was paid for by the federal gov't they still have to play by the rules of the park. If the park loaned me the field for my use on Saturdays I get the park on Saturday. The kids can play on school nights.

The problem with your analogy is that it is contrary to the reality of the situation of the original post. You paid for your house with your own money and the two studies were paid for with tax dollars. So what your saying is the purpose of the two studies was to find the best formula of vitamins for bandl to market exclusively? If bandl used their own money to conduct the studies then sure they own the results. But that's not the case. This is an anti trust that has been created by a wrongful issuance of a patent by the uspo. The United States of America is driven by competition and a fair playing field, at least it once was. These days it seems like greed and corporate America has taken over. It is less about the patient and letting them decide what brand to purchase with their hard earned money and more about what's best for bandl. These elderly patients are on fixed incomes and you want them to pay $25/month for something that costs you $5 to make? What the patient is paying for are all the free samples of vitamins you dump in doctors offices and the false misleading TV commercials. Oh and puppets like you : )

Monopoly not anti trust in last post. Stupid phone! I think we can all agree that bandl did not "invent" the areds and areds two formulas. Nor did bandl discover them. So why are they the only ones entitled to market a product that contains the ingredients specified by the nation eye Inst.? Absolute none at all and I hope the judge does not recognize bandl's BS patent that was wrongfully provides to them.

Talk about a David VS Goliath story! A corporation that was just valued at 9 billion dollars is in "prayor for relief" and is taking a speck of dust sized company to court and asking for a federal court ruling because that company is selling eye vitamins based on a study that was funded with tax payer dollars? Pretty sad b and l.... pretty sad!!

A 9 billion dollar company should be able to absolutely CRUSH this other small mom and pop shop operation. How many marketing people are behind the preservision brand? An entire sales force dedicated to selling to eye care professionals! Unbelievable that this company is so desperate that they hired one of the largest IP firms in the world to go after this small little company. Talk about having zero faith in your product and zero faith in the people that make up your organization.

Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't the Areds and Areds Two studies conducted by the National Eye Institute with tax payer dollars? So how did B and L get a patent on these formulas? If tax payer dollars were used to study the effectiveness of the various different ingredients being studied shouldn't the tax payers have a right to choose which brand they want to purchase? Is the National Eye Institute and the Federal government trying to help patients with macular degeneration or are they trying to help B and L? By giving B and L a patent is virtually creating a monopoly in B and L's favor. Some of you may say, "well B and L donated product to the national eye institute and they have a right to the formula." My response is that donation was probably a very nice tax write off not to mention some added publicity.

Patients with macular degeneration deserve the right to choose from a variety of different brands of the Areds and Areds two products. Having multiple brands to choose from creates fair competition rather than one company receiving an unjust patent and controlling and manipulating the price of only one available product that they own. Let the best brand win. sales, and marketing people win!

This is a perfect example of how a corporate giant is trying to bully the small guy. I am rooting against you losers! Oh by the way, it's spelled zeaxanthin not zeaxanthine! When one of the key ingredients your claiming ownership to in your patent and court forms is spelled wrong it makes you and your high profile lawyer look like greedy, uneducated, idiots! Just saying!

Do you know how many drugs and over-the-counter meds are studied by the National Eye Institute?

You're tying to create an issue based on emotion. This is a legal issue, not an emotional one. Sorry, this one is not gonna fly. You may not like it, but B+ L has rights and protections under the laws of this country.

Come up with something else to complain about-like your boss or getting laid off...

It's weak move on b and l's behalf. I know your probably the director for preservation or your in the legal department so you have to say things a certain way and say things that will justify your lawsuit. But is your sales force really that incompetent that they can't take all the business from this small company? You guys have.virtually every resource at your disposal and you choose to sue? Where is the satisfaction in that? It is much more rewarding to slowly or quickly capture all the business from another company. It brings gratification to sales people. Unless those sales people are incapable of doing so or the product doesn't match up! At that point you call a lawyer and sue.

Winners, leaders, and champions thrive on competition! Losers, second place finishers, and people that feel more comfortable following rather than leading hate competition because they know there are a lot of people out there that will beat them.

I hope that company fights back and wins!

My boss is great and my job is awesome. By reading the posts on here it doesn't sound like a winning group of people employed by b and l. It sounds like a bunch of whiny children that hate to work and love to cry the blues. Hopefully Valiant shuts Rochester down, fires the dead weight which seems to be 90% of the company, and starts over fresh! Maybe you should start reading some self imment books and grow some b@lls!

One last thing, the NEI discovered and invented this supplement. You didn't! So why were you granted exclusive rights to it? It's not right or fair and an ethical judge should dismiss your patent on those terms! Your acting like you came up with something but you didn't!

Bausch gets the rejects that allergan and alcon either fired, wouldn't hire, or wouldn't promote! They better protect and fight for the supplement patent because this is their best product. Everything else is garbage! Ever been to a national sales meeting? If you had you would quickly realize that this company needs to discover more innovative products in multiple categories of ophthalmology and fire the idiots from senior, upper, and mid management. Then layoff 80% of the sales force. Otherwise nothing will change and they will remain in 3Rd place after allergen and alcon.

as much as i hate b&L.

In December 2003, Bausch & Lomb received a patent on the AREDS composition and promptly sued competitors for infringement. B&L had supported the AREDS trial through a government agreement, cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA), that entitled B&L to certain rights. The pending lawsuit complicated planning processes and was partially resolved in mid-March, 2005, when Alcon and B&L cross-licensed patents to each other to settle the lawsuit.
(this was written in 2005) It is unknown whether both will have rights to the formula that is tested in AREDS II even though they are not funding the trial.

they subsequently submitted a patent for areds 2 and received it.

done. there are a number of small companies infringing. The more they make the more likely they will be sued eventuall too... and lose.

Thought I would google to see if more lawsuits were filed and stumbled across this. B & L must be pretty upset with how the entire reexamination process went... It took almost 8 years, I can only imagine a ton of cash, and the results were not very favorable for you. You are actually more limited in your reexamination certificate. I cant even count how many times the examiner rejected your reexamination claims! Good for that person. You really don't deserve a patent on this formula! Sounds like Emily Chew had your back, how much did you guys end up paying her?

One last thing, the NEI discovered and invented this supplement. You didn't! So why were you granted exclusive rights to it? It's not right or fair and an ethical judge should dismiss your patent on those terms! Your acting like you came up with something but you didn't!

What is wrong with you? Don't you have anything to do? Get a job. Volunteer your time. GEEEZ!

I agree with this person. Not only get a job, get a life. No one cares. This reminds me of "Revins 2000" from many years ago who could only post about 'no rub, no rub, no rub.'

People with a vested interest in the subject matter care. Shouldn't you be doubling up on the corporate Kool Aid? Your job is probably at stake so you better double up on the chap stick too!

People with a vested interest in the subject matter care. Shouldn't you be doubling up on the corporate Kool Aid? Your job is probably at stake so you better double up on the chap stick too!

No rub, no rub, no rub!!!! Ah yeah that's right, just like that. Congratulations, you just became a district manager!

I forgot how much I hate you people until I read this thread! If your going to criticize, criticize yourself. I want to sue the people replying on this thread for infringing on ignorance. That goes for each and every person that took the time out of their day to visit not only this thread but cafepharma including myself. What a pointless waist of time!

Your obviously associated with the small company that's being sued by B&L. You aren't going to get any agreement or sympathy from this site or thread because people who still work at B&L want their products to succeed. So might advice is to go whine elsewhere. Someplace where someone gives two $h\t$.