Are you ready to sell another chloride ion "me too" amitiza? Yes, the IBS drug

Takeda is a global GIANT, you Forest reps are nothing more than rent-a-reps
If you are a global giant, why has Amitiza never passes 250 million in yearly sales in a 5 billion per year market. Even your own company admits that skes should now be over 600 million per year. You either have a poor drug, poor sales force, or both. One year from now you will be lucky to be selling 150 million per year.

When are you idiots going to knock this cr ap off? There's no evidence, test, or information of any kind that shows proof thousands of reps at one company are truly better than at another.
If you're thinking of noting some marketing bs study using inaccurate data and rx numbers-please don't and get a grip while you're at it.
Have another marketing study you're hoping to use as evidence? Spare us. Is it from the same sources that say docs who get more samples write more prescriptions? The one that says more details=more rxs? Maybe the one that says docs want to answer our self serving probes?
Some reps are good, some suck, and many are a combo of both no matter what company you're looking at.
Additionally, a superiority complex in a drug rep is unbecoming and inappropriate. Get over yourself db.