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You must be bored today !

NJ goes republican for the first time in 12 years and VA goes republican across the board. Finally, Obama's ineptitude is helping to turn things around.....for republicans. Thanks Obama. Keep up the awful work and things will be back to normal in 4 years or so.

hahahaha. What a joke.

NJ goes republican for the first time in 12 years and VA goes republican across the board. Finally, Obama's ineptitude is helping to turn things around.....for republicans. Thanks Obama. Keep up the awful work and things will be back to normal in 4 years or so.

hahahaha. What a joke.

And the net result is one more democrat in congress. You rebooblicans aren't smart enough to know when you've been screwed, again. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

And the net result is one more democrat in congress. You rebooblicans aren't smart enough to know when you've been screwed, again. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

WTF difference does it make if there is one more communist in Congress? They are going to ram their Socialist agenda through, regardless, before Obama's one term is up. He will go down as the worst president since Jimmy Carter.

The Truth

WTF difference does it make if there is one more communist in Congress? They are going to ram their Socialist agenda through, regardless, before Obama's one term is up. He will go down as the worst president since Jimmy Carter.

The Truth

I Agree.

He is really on a roll lately - Olympics, Virginia, New Jersey - all losses. Whatever he talks positively about drops in popularity - Healthcare. Whatever he talks negatively about goes up in popularity - i.e. Fox News. I hope he doesn't say anything positive about Pfizer Stock - we got enough troubles.

Greetings and blessings on all sentient beings. Be thankful you live in such meaningful times. This great country of ours is one step closer the the true social justice of universal healthcare for all citizens. As the legislation passes in the Senate, we will begin to modify the initial plan to be what we all need, single payor health insurance for everyone. It's interesting to note that the group that will benefit the most from the plan will be the middle class conservative minority that make up the republican party. The irony is exquisite.

Whatever/if anything passes in the Senate - it will not look like the House Bill and will not be anything close to Single Payer. Sorry - but all you Libtards will Thank us in the end.

Greetings and blessings on all sentient beings. Be thankful you live in such meaningful times. This great country of ours is one step closer the the true social justice of universal healthcare for all citizens. As the legislation passes in the Senate, we will begin to modify the initial plan to be what we all need, single payor health insurance for everyone. It's interesting to note that the group that will benefit the most from the plan will be the middle class conservative minority that make up the republican party. The irony is exquisite.

Clinton at least is more candid. He says passing a bill is a "political" imperative. It has NOTHING to do with health care, or helping the uninsured. It is a long term political strategy.

Now most people already knew this. Of course, the libs don't care, but the "Independents" who voted for him thought they were voting for a centrist. This candid talk blows their mind.

Greetings and blessings on all sentient beings. Be thankful you live in such meaningful times. This great country of ours is one step closer the the true social justice of universal healthcare for all citizens. As the legislation passes in the Senate, we will begin to modify the initial plan to be what we all need, single payor health insurance for everyone. It's interesting to note that the group that will benefit the most from the plan will be the middle class conservative minority that make up the republican party. The irony is exquisite.

What's going on in the basement loser?

Greetings and blessings on all sentient beings. Be thankful you live in such meaningful times. This great country of ours is one step closer the the true social justice of universal healthcare for all citizens. As the legislation passes in the Senate, we will begin to modify the initial plan to be what we all need, single payor health insurance for everyone. It's interesting to note that the group that will benefit the most from the plan will be the middle class conservative minority that make up the republican party. The irony is exquisite.

Pathetic liberal piece of shit. '010 is around the corner and you and Socialist Hussein will find yourselves in the garbage bin, once again. Keep ignoring it, but Jersey and Va are harbingers of things to come. Stand-by creep.

Pathetic liberal piece of shit. '010 is around the corner and you and Socialist Hussein will find yourselves in the garbage bin, once again. Keep ignoring it, but Jersey and Va are harbingers of things to come. Stand-by creep.

Right! Throughout American history New Jersey is the place where trends have always started! Sure!

And the net result is one more democrat in congress. You rebooblicans aren't smart enough to know when you've been screwed, again. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Clearly another VOCs anonymous post. No one else on earth would use that un-original and grade-schoolish rebooblicans.

VOCS-so predictable

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