
So, let me get this straight - ~100 people lose their jobs, most of them actually do some real work, so that makes room to hire ANOTHER EFFIN VP!!! Not to mention that this new person is hired in the S&T arena where he is not needed, and probably will sit in a nice, cushy office, and twiddle his thumbs all day................ makes you wonder where this company is heading....

This is so ridiculous! We all now big cuts are coming, but they just had to hire another VP, WTF! So what’s the ratio now 1 VP to every 3 employees? Meanwhile our stock is in the shitter, come on guys get it together.

Yes.. In the Acute Care space we've now got a hospital rep, a RAD, HSG person, MSL that doesn't know what in the hell they're doing and adding NOTHING to the bottom line all calling on our most important accounts. SMH... All the faults Mallinckrodt had I never thought we'd have that true big-pharma mentality but here ya go folks. Big pharma at it's best. So embarrassing.

It is sad but nobody cares anymore about this company. The vast majority of us have given up on management (especially Marky) and the company's future. We are all looking to get out but the market has slim pickings with the pandemic. Hate every day at this place!! Cash the checks and save!!

You mean Roshan isnt lighting it up. People we are surviving on a wing and. Sprayer. We have a digital marketing sr director. Hahaha. No one has that. We have a Sr Director for KOLs. Think about that. Our sr directors of brands run pieces of the business. They all got demoted. I’m on my way out so I felt compelled to state the obvious. I can’t believe this shti hole is serious with this set up. It’s a fuking mess. Enjoy beeches

Senior management's performance rating: F- // The drugmaker has about $5.2 billion in debt. It said Aug. 4 that it had an 80 percent decline in sales last quarter compared to the year before because of litigation charges and lower demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This place is a crooked joke. I can’t believe this place. Acthar reps getting sliced soon. Jesus. I can’t believe we made it this long. Have to go finish my round of golf. See ya suckers. Boy is the leadership stupid for paying us to do nothing. Half of us literally don’t work. Hey Joe, did you really think we work. Dummy

This place is a crooked joke. I can’t believe this place. Acthar reps getting sliced soon. Jesus. I can’t believe we made it this long. Have to go finish my round of golf. See ya suckers. Boy is the leadership stupid for paying us to do nothing. Half of us literally don’t work. Hey Joe, did you really think we work. Dummy
Some of us at least try to work just like most of pharma these days. You're a loser for being happy to be paid for nothing when you aren't even trying.

So who works at Mallinckrodt these days?

The dolt who can’t get another job?

Or the loser who’s too lazy to try?

Surely people can’t actually want to work here.

Please enlighten us!

So is Marky Mark blowing smoke up everyone's ass about filing for total bankruptcy soon or is it really happening in the next few months?
There are different types Of bankruptcies, chapter 11 is usually related to business that plans to file, reorganize, and then resume business. But that is usually done when a company has enough capital to raise to enable them to refinance their debt obligations. With mnk low market cap and total debt, cms judgement obligation, and opiod settlement obligation, there just any way for them to reorganize their way out of this. Their filing bankruptcy will not be a reorganization but more of a belly up cant pay debt we’re toast. And remember, the company match in your 401k may be subject to government seizure if it is need be to settle financial obligations in any ruling against them. Don’t believe me? Just ask your company that manages your plan.