Are you hiring...important:)


Trying to fire out a company that a recruiter would not share with me the company name.

All I know its one of the European companies. Some of the questions answers might give me a clue..

Are you hiring and Where? North East , South East < West Coast or any where in between?
Are you known to be the largest world wide wound care company in the world??
Are your call points half hospital maybe orthopedics and half your time you spend selling and mom and pop Pharmacies??
Company car? Complete benefits package..
An extensive line of wound care products involving a "compressor" not sure of the spelling or what it does.

If someone could respond..please do.

A recruiter called me for an interview and wont tell me the companies name..but would like to do some research on THAT company right now as this interview is around the corner..and we all know why this is important..researching about companies..Solid info gives you the ability of When to say yes and when to say no!

Thank you!

All advice opinions and answers welcomed..sorry to have bothered you on your company thread..But I appreciate any feedback..