Are you happy?

Philosophical & benchmark questions:
Are you happy in your job?
Are you happy with your company?
Are you happy with your manager?
Are you happy with your comp?

Again, you have to be suspicious of any organization who would be plant such questions.... Any company that is so out of touch with the groundswell of opinion within it's own workforce should asking these 'philosophical questions' of it's management & itself; not fishing for clues on message boards. The guy in HR or Marketing who thought this one up has probabaly gone already!
Surely Integra has the courage to ask these questions directly without enacting any kind of revenge or retribution against dissenting voices.
Is Cafe Pharma really the forum for "an attempt" at this kind of "Ad Hoc" survey?
With this lame number of responses, the answers are pretty self evident "Integra is becoming the company you suffer to move on to one of the big players not a career destination! It's like Boot Camp for the Devices Industry!

Come on! Get a grip & sort it out!

Philosophical & benchmark questions:
Are you happy in your job?
Are you happy with your company?
Are you happy with your manager?
Are you happy with your comp?

OK guys! 1 Yes & 3 Nos! Or is that 3 and a half Nos & a Maybe?
How do I benchmark that? And now, what are my prescribed actions in light of this philosophical revelation?
Having helped me define my "unhappiness" - what can, or will, Integra do to change things?
Come on; "Limit my Uncertainty!"