Are you embarrassed?


I moved on from G about 8 years ago, greener pastures.....hell yeah, even the 'lack of talent' types landed
a gig in big pharma, collecting sigs all day or pretending to manage people or be some KOL lap doggie.

But WTF, I come back every 3 years for a brief peek and this is where you all are? Hiding behind some
excuse why you are still here, full of opinions but too scared to leave and stake a claim somewhere else?

Talking about big $$$ in aesthetics or the health insurance plan or some shit. Wake the F up..... you are making was I, lying to myself that this was a great gig (and that's before it all went pear shaped).

If you can sell.......I mean sell vs collecting a sig and leaving a nice salad & sandwich lunch, or you can run a budget and organize a team, then bet on yourself and leave this crumbling empire. Have some dam pride will ya, go out and advance instead of grumbling or pretending. There are million dollar opportunities out there....yes real F-ing jobs that challenge you, stretch you, make you grow and deliver an awesome life.

G is a cop out, a weak persons company where weak people work.

Hard the hell up ya'll and chase your dreams, don't BS yourself that the 401k is keeping me here, no you are
keeping you here, and that is weak. The industry has passed G by.....don't be insecure leave this place while you me having G on your resume will not be a great door opener in this day and age. The word is out, leave now if you have the guts to, or complain and stay here, having half a career, making half the money and letting fear rule.


Galderma is a nobody.

It doesn’t even rank in the top 100 pharmaceutical companies. With less than $500m coming from our (generic) prescription business we are unknown and invisible.
Having Galderma on your resume is definitely not a door opener. Outside of dermatology no one has ever heard of this company. Galderma has become the dumping ground for rejects.

Leaving this amateur cesspit for a more professional environment very soon.

Galderma is populated by ignorant managers who are bullies and create hostile working conditions firing tenured employees. Galderma’s reputation is so bad it’s embarrassing.

Quite the rant, but full of truth. Got outta here 2 years ago, still in pharma but a company with opportunities and real leaders who don't have oversized egos with nothing to back it up.

I no longer work for a manager who was an average rep for two years and then became an incompetent manager, they are everywhere at Galderma.

Enjoying the new role and culture, yes there are much better places to land, I'm proof of that also.

When I got here there was an air of genuine optimism; things were on the way up, Galderma was cool, people motivated, it was fun and we had success... that's all gone now, replaced by greed, misery, and curmudgeonly spite.

I moved on from G about 8 years ago, greener pastures.....hell yeah, even the 'lack of talent' types landed
a gig in big pharma, collecting sigs all day or pretending to manage people or be some KOL lap doggie.

But WTF, I come back every 3 years for a brief peek and this is where you all are? Hiding behind some
excuse why you are still here, full of opinions but too scared to leave and stake a claim somewhere else?

Talking about big $$$ in aesthetics or the health insurance plan or some shit. Wake the F up..... you are making was I, lying to myself that this was a great gig (and that's before it all went pear shaped).

If you can sell.......I mean sell vs collecting a sig and leaving a nice salad & sandwich lunch, or you can run a budget and organize a team, then bet on yourself and leave this crumbling empire. Have some dam pride will ya, go out and advance instead of grumbling or pretending. There are million dollar opportunities out there....yes real F-ing jobs that challenge you, stretch you, make you grow and deliver an awesome life.

G is a cop out, a weak persons company where weak people work.

Hard the hell up ya'll and chase your dreams, don't BS yourself that the 401k is keeping me here, no you are
keeping you here, and that is weak. The industry has passed G by.....don't be insecure leave this place while you me having G on your resume will not be a great door opener in this day and age. The word is out, leave now if you have the guts to, or complain and stay here, having half a career, making half the money and letting fear rule.

This is all so true. I am here and this place is only good for 3 types of people:
1) someone wanting to break into dermatology and needs the experience on their resume
2) someone who isn’t super motivated or aspirational and just wants a paycheck
3) someone who is mid to low level talent but wants to try to get a manager job and knows no real company will promote them.

If you meet any of the above criteria we have a perfect place for you.

This is all so true. I am here and this place is only good for 3 types of people:
1) someone wanting to break into dermatology and needs the experience on their resume
2) someone who isn’t super motivated or aspirational and just wants a paycheck
3) someone who is mid to low level talent but wants to try to get a manager job and knows no real company will promote them.

If you meet any of the above criteria we have a perfect place for you.

It hurts to hear this truth. Sometimes we need a shake up, from what I've heard so much excellent talent
walked out the doors in the last 6+ years. It's a good (not great) place to start out in the biz, but when you see average reps promoted because average is the standard and they are willing to move across country for a DSM role you realize it's time to work an exit strategy really hard.

I mean EG gone, Miles gone & KC the JW of the old school are still here (can't get hired elsewhere). Really? KC can't even get a sentence out right as he is so jittery and awkward & he is a 'leader' here?

Yep, time to start a career reboot somewhere else.

This is all so true. I am here and this place is only good for 3 types of people:
1) someone wanting to break into dermatology and needs the experience on their resume
2) someone who isn’t super motivated or aspirational and just wants a paycheck
3) someone who is mid to low level talent but wants to try to get a manager job and knows no real company will promote them.

If you meet any of the above criteria we have a perfect place for you.
D players hire F players...that is Galderma in a nutshell. A lot of C, D and F talent hiring D, F and F- players.

She said, I know we are all so sad but Galderma is doing the right thing and he will be taken care of. If anyone knows someone for that territory let me know asap so we can get them to the June meeting and make yourself some summer $$$.

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