Are you a New Breed Firebrand?


5 Simple questions

1. Are you under the age of 30?
2. Are you jacked?
3. Are you endowed with over 9 inches of manhood?
4. Are you comfortable enough with your masculinity to know that going both ways in the pursuit of business
is NOT gay?
5. Do you crossfit?

If you answered yes to 4 out 5 these questions, Zoll wants to talk to you.

5 Simple questions

1. Are you under the age of 30?
2. Are you jacked?
3. Are you endowed with over 9 inches of manhood?
4. Are you comfortable enough with your masculinity to know that going both ways in the pursuit of business
is NOT gay?
5. Do you crossfit?

If you answered yes to 4 out 5 these questions, Zoll wants to talk to you.

Can't talk right now....on the phone with DOJ. Leave your number