Are We Overpaid for What We Do?

NO- In general, yes I get it- we do well but consider what we do. We have to walk into rejection daily. We get beat up and abused like no industry, from out company, managers, co-workers. Then we walk into offices and get rejected and pounced on by uneducated, over weight obnoxious office staff, Then the doctors can be rude and arrogant. Then we deal with programs, inviting, restaurants etc etc. What we do is not rocket science but it's a horrble job on your mental health. The companies know many people can't do this- we put up with it because we get paid well. I have friends that clock 10-16 hr days and in the end I do better- but no one dare treat them like we get treated. The customers respect them- corporations would never harass them like this because in close quarters in the office it's easier to prove harassment. Again- for what we deal with emotionally NO

NO- In general, yes I get it- we do well but consider what we do. We have to walk into rejection daily. We get beat up and abused like no industry, from out company, managers, co-workers. Then we walk into offices and get rejected and pounced on by uneducated, over weight obnoxious office staff, Then the doctors can be rude and arrogant. Then we deal with programs, inviting, restaurants etc etc. What we do is not rocket science but it's a horrble job on your mental health. The companies know many people can't do this- we put up with it because we get paid well. I have friends that clock 10-16 hr days and in the end I do better- but no one dare treat them like we get treated. The customers respect them- corporations would never harass them like this because in close quarters in the office it's easier to prove harassment. Again- for what we deal with emotionally NO

I really agree.

oh hell yes, thats why we stay here

If you feel that you make too much, let you manager know before raises are handed out, I'm sure he will glady stop yours and give it to the other team members.

Dan V was glad to take his $20 million year end bonus after axing thousands of reps. What a rep gets paid in comparision is highly regulated and highly micromanaged "scraps".