Are We In Car Sales?


Can someone please inform Mr. Hanson that calling out the lowest performing reps on a company-wide email is totally anathema to medical device? I have had many bad years after a President's Club, being told I needed to "save face" by stepping it up makes me think they truly believe the selling cycle in this job is month to month. Next we'll see weekly spiffs I'm sure!

I know some of the stories of the bottom dwellers and know that many have issues to contend with that are completely out of their control. One of them was a direct result of something corporate did!! He needs to walk this back as it is utterly demoralizing to be exposed like that to your peers!!!!

Sounds like Hanson is running ZB the same way Oliver Stanbery run their distributorship. Call people out and bully them till they leave. Just wait ZB you’ll be sitting back wondering why you have such a high turn over as your competitors cherry pick your trained reps off one by one.