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Are we hiring FDE lawyers now, too?


The FIPNET juggernaut with multiple layers of multiple layers of contractors, CROs, overseas facilities that house multiple competitors complete with full IP leakage, is completely out of control, sapping the strength of it's host... can we borrow money fast enough to feed it?

At the heart of this is the well-intentioned upper management, but to get to the heart of this onion, you must peel back layer after layer, crying, losing your vision, cursing...

Isn't there a better way?


The FIPNET juggernaut with multiple layers of multiple layers of contractors, CROs, overseas facilities that house multiple competitors complete with full IP leakage, is completely out of control, sapping the strength of it's host... can we borrow money fast enough to feed it?

At the heart of this is the well-intentioned upper management, but to get to the heart of this onion, you must peel back layer after layer, crying, losing your vision, cursing...

Isn't there a better way?

Isn't it funny when you remember when people said things like "It won't be a problem", "we will cross that bridge when we get there", "we will have a contingency plan", you're being too negative", that will never happen", "it's worked well in ONE case so it will for all the rest" and then you laugh and hope you run into the people later on the street so you can laugh straight in their face? I DO. LOL

Isn't it funny when you remember when people said things like "It won't be a problem", "we will cross that bridge when we get there", "we will have a contingency plan", you're being too negative", that will never happen", "it's worked well in ONE case so it will for all the rest" and then you laugh and hope you run into the people later on the street so you can laugh straight in their face? I DO. LOL

Yeah. It worked great for Motorola (mo to who? which no longer exists) so lets just six sigma the freaking hell out of this place and promote ourselves into scarily incompetent places.

THE ARROGANCE here is truly disruptive