Are we as good as we think we are?


dear senior management, this has been a great gig, thank you from one of your eylea reps. Please remember that we have had to pay royalties to Genentech for patent issues re eylea, lost a drug recently in ph 3, will likely have to pay Amgen for patent infringement on pcsk9, are in a clinical hold with the lower back pain drug and now this with sarilumab. Yes, I know that had nothing to do with us and will likely be resolved soon but we are not as great as we think we are. The commercial team works very hard to fund this pipeline and the drug does not sell itself. I know our colleagues in the other therapeutic areas are working hard to be successful but please knock off the holier than thou shit coming from the top. Btw...I hope science magazine didn't get our ranking wrong but let's be realistic we have lots of issues to address and jacking up eylea goals to cover our errors only makes the eylea team resent the company we were so excited to join.

dear senior management, this has been a great gig, thank you from one of your eylea reps. Please remember that we have had to pay royalties to Genentech for patent issues re eylea, lost a drug recently in ph 3, will likely have to pay Amgen for patent infringement on pcsk9, are in a clinical hold with the lower back pain drug and now this with sarilumab. Yes, I know that had nothing to do with us and will likely be resolved soon but we are not as great as we think we are. The commercial team works very hard to fund this pipeline and the drug does not sell itself. I know our colleagues in the other therapeutic areas are working hard to be successful but please knock off the holier than thou shit coming from the top. Btw...I hope science magazine didn't get our ranking wrong but let's be realistic we have lots of issues to address and jacking up eylea goals to cover our errors only makes the eylea team resent the company we were so excited to join.

Very well said. The commercial culture is terrible and led by a drama queen who is a micromanager. The other guy is a big pharma big ego micro hillbilly. God help us.

Let's see how they handle the sarilumab fiasco. Sanofi was such a great pick as a partner. What else can they screw up?

Slow down there skippy, the biggest fuck up for Praluent was the HUb and who was in charge of the hub? Oh right REGENERON!!! The FAS team and hospital teams were also worthless pieces of shit as well, period all the great and might REGENERON.

Slow down there skippy, the biggest fuck up for Praluent was the HUb and who was in charge of the hub? Oh right REGENERON!!! The FAS team and hospital teams were also worthless pieces of shit as well, period all the great and might REGENERON.

Try not to be bitter. From your post, you are lucky to have a job. The people around you are tired because they are doing all the work. Work on your skill level and effort. Otherwise keep your stupidity to yourself.

No paid sick days, barely any short term disability, crappy insurance with deductibles and high employee costs. Why does a large biotech company have such poor benefits? It's not that I even use this stuff very often but it's nice to know it's there. The larger salary may not be worth it for the unknowns of a drug that isn't yet approved.

dear senior management, this has been a great gig, thank you from one of your eylea reps. Please remember that we have had to pay royalties to Genentech for patent issues re eylea, lost a drug recently in ph 3, will likely have to pay Amgen for patent infringement on pcsk9, are in a clinical hold with the lower back pain drug and now this with sarilumab. Yes, I know that had nothing to do with us and will likely be resolved soon but we are not as great as we think we are. The commercial team works very hard to fund this pipeline and the drug does not sell itself. I know our colleagues in the other therapeutic areas are working hard to be successful but please knock off the holier than thou shit coming from the top. Btw...I hope science magazine didn't get our ranking wrong but let's be realistic we have lots of issues to address and jacking up eylea goals to cover our errors only makes the eylea team resent the company we were so excited to join.

This is a one trick pony only Eylea sells due to our efforts the rest are me toos, clinical failures, patent infringements or smoke and mirrors. So sad to see delusional leadership believing their own self-serving, self-promoting hype. How much do we pay each year to get that worthless Science award? Every year we get failing marks for how we are treated as employees and yet the big pharma masquerading as biotech charade continues.
If you are lucky enough to still have stock options that have any value then never forget that it is the Eylea sales force that keeps this shit show afloat. Once we leave the game is over.

Slow down there skippy, the biggest fuck up for Praluent was the HUb and who was in charge of the hub? Oh right REGENERON!!! The FAS team and hospital teams were also worthless pieces of shit as well, period all the great and might REGENERON.

Seriously?!? The biggest error was actually the price....which was unilaterally picked by Paris at $14600. The market was expecting a $10K WAC and the big pharma hive mind in France decided a new, breakthrough class deserved a really breakthrough price. This right after the whole HepC bonanza was simply putting a match to dry kindling.

And, just to be clear, the issues are not Praluent, but the entire PCSK9 class. It's not like Repatha is out there selling significantly more than Praluent.

We're the best in the biz bro
Correct, at talking up the pipeline when we fail in the clinic, at stealing patents, at price-gouging, at self-promotion of invisible "leadership", at denigrating non-scientists, at creating a hostile working environment for the few women employed here, at deluding ourselves that we are still a biotech start up and not a bloated, big pharma bureaucrats paradise. Yes we are the very best.

Correct, at talking up the pipeline when we fail in the clinic, at stealing patents, at price-gouging, at self-promotion of invisible "leadership", at denigrating non-scientists, at creating a hostile working environment for the few women employed here, at deluding ourselves that we are still a biotech start up and not a bloated, big pharma bureaucrats paradise. Yes we are the very best.

Here's some play-doh and a furry dog

CV sales rep here... I have been very disappointed by the benefits.
  1. No stock RSUs, we keep getting stock options. Original strike prices $495 and $557 and stock is currently in high $300s. Gonna take a beating today (trading was frozen last night).
  2. No sick days. Every company I have heard of in last 15 years gives some sick days. Human Resources responded: "We don't think there's demand... sales reps will use sick days for inappropriate reasons." WTF?!?!?
  3. Cars are being downgraded - heard Ford Edges are going away and you either get an Equinox or sedan.
  4. Incentive comp - those who have done well since launch, have probably been lucky to make 6 figures in bonus over 18 months. Hottest Eylea reps made that IN A QUARTER.
The KS hire only made sense if you worked at DR's previous organization (I did). That was a passive-aggressive, completely opaque, good ol' boy network - if you heard all the history, you would swear I'm writing fiction.
In 2017 we were supposed to be cruising with Eylea and Praluent, with sarilumab on the market with great comparative data to Humira, and dupilumab about to launch as the first new thing in its disease state in 50 years. Praluent is mortally wounded and costing $5 for every $1 it brings in, sarilumab delayed, dupilumab is rushing to launch. Eylea is crushing it (but having to carry 3 sales forces and 2 launches). Saril & dupil are filled & finished at a French Sanofi plant; FDA inspected it prior to Oct 2016 saril launch, told them to fix stuff and they didn't; day of PDUFA, FDA shut the plant down. Saril launch delayed until SNFI/REGN make the FDA happy (that phrase is intentional, we pissed them off), and they extended offers to dupil reps with those manufacturing issues unresolved. Not only have we crossed swords with Amgen (who's about 10 steps ahead of us), but with the government authority that gives us the ability to market our products.
It's hard to tell who's more incompetent and out of touch here - Regeneron or Sanofi leadership. Regeneron wanted SNFI's money, SNFI wanted REGN's specialty biologics but wants to treat them like pills. No one is listening and feels like everyone has lots of blame, but no path forward.

So I just heard that the fill & finish plant for dupilumab has been moved. So to correct my previous post, sounds like they have controlled everything they can control with the launch and are waiting on FDA.

CV sales rep here... I have been very disappointed by the benefits.
  1. No stock RSUs, we keep getting stock options. Original strike prices $495 and $557 and stock is currently in high $300s. Gonna take a beating today (trading was frozen last night).
  2. No sick days. Every company I have heard of in last 15 years gives some sick days. Human Resources responded: "We don't think there's demand... sales reps will use sick days for inappropriate reasons." WTF?!?!?
  3. Cars are being downgraded - heard Ford Edges are going away and you either get an Equinox or sedan.
  4. Incentive comp - those who have done well since launch, have probably been lucky to make 6 figures in bonus over 18 months. Hottest Eylea reps made that IN A QUARTER.
The KS hire only made sense if you worked at DR's previous organization (I did). That was a passive-aggressive, completely opaque, good ol' boy network - if you heard all the history, you would swear I'm writing fiction.
In 2017 we were supposed to be cruising with Eylea and Praluent, with sarilumab on the market with great comparative data to Humira, and dupilumab about to launch as the first new thing in its disease state in 50 years. Praluent is mortally wounded and costing $5 for every $1 it brings in, sarilumab delayed, dupilumab is rushing to launch. Eylea is crushing it (but having to carry 3 sales forces and 2 launches). Saril & dupil are filled & finished at a French Sanofi plant; FDA inspected it prior to Oct 2016 saril launch, told them to fix stuff and they didn't; day of PDUFA, FDA shut the plant down. Saril launch delayed until SNFI/REGN make the FDA happy (that phrase is intentional, we pissed them off), and they extended offers to dupil reps with those manufacturing issues unresolved. Not only have we crossed swords with Amgen (who's about 10 steps ahead of us), but with the government authority that gives us the ability to market our products.
It's hard to tell who's more incompetent and out of touch here - Regeneron or Sanofi leadership. Regeneron wanted SNFI's money, SNFI wanted REGN's specialty biologics but wants to treat them like pills. No one is listening and feels like everyone has lots of blame, but no path forward.

Right out of DRs Playbook. Len selected some dopes to run commercial as he doesn't value or understand commercial. Bob T is hammered all the time, DR hired all of his buddies, got lucky with Eylea (which we pay royalties to Genentech for patent infringement) and is part timing it in Tucson until he rolls into retirement this year. We hired all big pharma retreads as leaders.