Are reps location tracked?

Dr signature required only when leaving samples.

I did hear of a manager who requested GPS put on reps vehicle, but that was a one-off I believe

Thanks, I can just see a manager saying “why’d you leave at 7:45 instead of 7:30 this week” etc. depending on who the manager is it wouldn’t necessarily be an issue but some managers I’ve had are nuts

I had a friend who moved to big pharma and said she had to have doctors sign her iPad in order to log a call and also they are tracked etc. seemed to be very micro managed.

I had a interview with AbbVie so more-so just got curiosity

Well, a senior rep was caught with several documented false calls. Including doctors moved away for several years and also several expenses in question. They lied to save themself even when faced with electronic verification to multiple managers and HR. Nothing happen to them which is awesome so the rest of us don’t feel threaten anymore with this issue. DM and RBDs are worried they will get personally sued. Also company is concerned third parties will seek records for account call verification by a lawyer. Moral to story is , all that compliance is BS and don’t worry. Hope that puts your mind at ease.

CRM tracks location services yes. Anyone who has access to it can see where and when calls are logged which is also why they push for exact call entries and no back logging.

Yes you are tracked. Will they use to fire you? No. They can’t. But it’s additional context to influence the way you are treated. If you start getting micromanaged out of the blue then someone probably looked

God, are you guys stupid! You know nothing of GPS tracking. I have friend that has huge landscaping business with about 30 trucks. He showed me how it works. It’s amazing and so easy to do. They could be tracking you and you would never know it, and it’s perfectly legal.

Make sure to turn off location services in ipad and ur apple phone. They auto connect if u dont.

this doesn’t work against CRM tracking. Even if they’re off, take a peek at your CRM functions when you a log a call and you’ll see they get over ridden every time. Just do you dang job like everyone is watching and there won’t be any smoke.

Make sure to turn off location services in ipad and ur apple phone. They auto connect if u dont.

Yes I can confirm you are being tracked. I was brought into an interview with Employee Relations. Jeff Hayenga from investigations drilled me about when I left home and where I was making calls and when I would go home. I told him the absolute truth. I’d sometimes leave my home at 10 or 11, and sometimes be home around 2 pm. He then pulled a location report he pulled from my AbbVie phone. It was very detailed. Nothing happened cause they wanted to see if I would lie so they could terminate me. The fact is I didn’t lie. Also, I have now learned take your sim card out of your iPhone, until you need to use it to get on a Conference call. Taking out your SIM card completely throws them off. Always keep paper clips in the car. And the person that reported you to Employee Relations is your Regional Director more than likely. You can then start looking for other jobs like I am and go on paid medical leave. We aren’t stupid, just know how to work the system here.

Yes I can confirm you are being tracked. I was brought into an interview with Employee Relations. Jeff Hayenga from investigations drilled me about when I left home and where I was making calls and when I would go home. I told him the absolute truth. I’d sometimes leave my home at 10 or 11, and sometimes be home around 2 pm. He then pulled a location report he pulled from my AbbVie phone. It was very detailed. Nothing happened cause they wanted to see if I would lie so they could terminate me. The fact is I didn’t lie. Also, I have now learned take your sim card out of your iPhone, until you need to use it to get on a Conference call. Taking out your SIM card completely throws them off. Always keep paper clips in the car. And the person that reported you to Employee Relations is your Regional Director more than likely. You can then start looking for other jobs like I am and go on paid medical leave. We aren’t stupid, just know how to work the system here.
Go back to the drilling, and give us the details. Did he beat those cheeks?

Yes I can confirm you are being tracked. I was brought into an interview with Employee Relations. Jeff Hayenga from investigations drilled me about when I left home and where I was making calls and when I would go home. I told him the absolute truth. I’d sometimes leave my home at 10 or 11, and sometimes be home around 2 pm. He then pulled a location report he pulled from my AbbVie phone. It was very detailed. Nothing happened cause they wanted to see if I would lie so they could terminate me. The fact is I didn’t lie. Also, I have now learned take your sim card out of your iPhone, until you need to use it to get on a Conference call. Taking out your SIM card completely throws them off. Always keep paper clips in the car. And the person that reported you to Employee Relations is your Regional Director more than likely. You can then start looking for other jobs like I am and go on paid medical leave. We aren’t stupid, just know how to work the system here.

What if you just keep your phone turned off?

Yes you can do this as well. If you want to leave Abbvie go on paid medical leave for a few months while you are looking. Everyone will stay off of your tail.

Lookie here, I used to consult with your security folks. Facts-

Turn off your iPad signal and location based services? Won't work, Mobile Iron tracks everything in the absence of signals.

Car tracking coming soon. Amgen and other companies require it, look up Geotab. It randomly pulls mileage and location 24/7. By randomly doing it, no one person is targeted and they can check personal mileage. It monitors seatbelts, speed and braking.

Cells. This is the last thing they check as there are too many privacy barriers. They will only use this for real sinister crap like theft.

Bottom line, if confronted, be honest. They ain't gonna fire you for working 10-3. The two things that will nail you are fudging expenses and samples.

?'s, I'd be happy to answer....


Lookie here, I used to consult with your security folks. Facts-

Turn off your iPad signal and location based services? Won't work, Mobile Iron tracks everything in the absence of signals.

Car tracking coming soon. Amgen and other companies require it, look up Geotab. It randomly pulls mileage and location 24/7. By randomly doing it, no one person is targeted and they can check personal mileage. It monitors seatbelts, speed and braking.

Cells. This is the last thing they check as there are too many privacy barriers. They will only use this for real sinister crap like theft.

Bottom line, if confronted, be honest. They ain't gonna fire you for working 10-3. The two things that will nail you are fudging expenses and samples.

?'s, I'd be happy to answer....


do they track our cell texts and emails?

They sell wire-mesh lined bags on Amazon in which you can place your company tablet, etc. This faraday cage blocks all signals. It won't help if your car is tracked though.