Are primary care the only ones working?


Seriously, its plainly obvious those in primary care with Farxiga, respiratory, etc. are in offices.
So, what are the CV/Hospital/ Diabetes/ Oncology, etc reps doing? Especially if they cannot get into hospitals,etc.
Is this just a nice fat vacation for you?
All the specialty can make fun all you want of primary care, but at least we are on the "front lines" of being in offices. Seriously.


DSS here. Never really considered that, but yes, not saying I agree 100%, but you have a solid point.

If FP and Internists are essentially the majority specialties that are seeing and if most hospitals are shutting out the specialty reps, then they probably have more stay at home do nothing days vs primary care.
Just another way that specialty reps are special, and primary care is expected to be out no matter what.
If you don't like it, apply for a specialty role so you can join them and be bored.

Oh how special, a little PC girl is out catering lunches. Isn’t it sweet how she thinks bringing Chick-fil-A to some overweight staff and a provider who grants her enough time to sign the sign in sheet and then goes to hide is working. Don’t worry honey, u will find out soon. AZ has massive layoffs coming and ur little precocious PC ass will soon be counting people coming in and out of Walmart

Suzee Creamcheese here! I'm an oncology rep and I got a great helpful hint to all AZ reps!!! My hospitals are shut down to reps but I got an idea that can't be beat!!!! What I do is hang out in the doctor's parking lot of all my hospitals!! I set up a little display in the parking lot and see so many of my doctors!! Try it it's fun and so productive!! Can anyone else share your success stories? I'd love to here them!!!

Looks like the original poster was trying to get across inherently more primary care offices are open vs hospital and specialist offices.
PC reps taking on the brunt of work, taking more risk being in so many offices, which is understandable and true.
Yes, Diabetes and Respiratory are working more and making many more calls per week than specialty. So what’s the point?
No one, no one at AZ is working FT post Covid-19! Enjoy your paycheck while you can.
Maybe you’ll at least keep your job!
You chose to be in the PC role. Deal with it.

PC rep here...Maybe from an execution standpoint we are slightly more productive but make no's mostly smoke and mirrors...Doesnt matter what "specialty" you are in or what company you work for right now...We may be in the field but most offices are shut down to reps and will be at least through the election.

I agree most offices and the vast majority of hospitals are shut down to reps. However I disagree that offices and hospitals will magically open after the election. As so many reps have posted on CP, our time as reps is coming to an end.

Diabetes, Respiratory primary care reps are alot like the customers they call on.
How so? They are doing the brunt of the work right now, while being paid the least.
Much like their the bottom of the $ chain in the physician world, the PCP/Internists vs the CD's, orthos, etc.

"Are primary care the only ones working?" What a crazy question. Of course Primary Care is the only one working. They were the only ones working prior to Covid. Specialty barely has enough targets to work part time without a pandemic.

So, WTF is going on? My DSM just sent an email about Symbicort asthma training. Seriously? Do you a-holes talk at HQ?

Resp Inhaled has been nonstop w/ crap for what seems like months. I know it is weeks but feels like a lot more. Breztri, unleash the truth stress, now blitz stress, Fasenra (don't get me started on that) training for some, Farxiga Dapa-HF training for others & then oh just kidding. Call plan updates during a time that many are trying to take vacation that is told to us to use prior to Breztri launch, now Symbicort training and certification by next week. The same day as the Veeva territory mgmt completion date.:rolleyes:
Want me in territory? Sure, according to Veeva. ;)

Fasenra? You have two "specialty" reps in a territory calling just on specialists. If they are so good, let them manage the PCP space. God knows they have the time & are getting paid to do a lot more than they actually do. Me? I'll talk to the provider about Fasenra but don't expect me to alienate my customer pushing them to go thru a process they NEVER have before in this market.

Suzee Creamcheese here! I'm an oncology rep and I got a great helpful hint to all AZ reps!!! My hospitals are shut down to reps but I got an idea that can't be beat!!!! What I do is hang out in the doctor's parking lot of all my hospitals!! I set up a little display in the parking lot and see so many of my doctors!! Try it it's fun and so productive!! Can anyone else share your success stories? I'd love to here them!!!

This sounds like bitter oncology envy to me...

This thread is pretty funny. My old partner who retired years ago used to say..."A drug rep working is like a politician doing something for the people they represent." Let's face it we go through the motions of "selling" but we don't sell shit...but LOL we make some great money for doing so little. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.

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