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Are DCS reps losing customers in Hospital owned practices to HSDCS reps?


Does anyone have any insight as to whether or not customers that are affiliated to a hospital system, and currently being called on by DCS reps, will be taken from DCS teams and given to HSDCS reps?


Does anyone have any insight as to whether or not customers that are affiliated to a hospital system, and currently being called on by DCS reps, will be taken from DCS teams and given to HSDCS reps?

It depends on the system. Certain systems are aligned to the HS team. When they are, the HDCS gets the customers within the aligned systems. Find out which systems are aligned to the HS team, and then you’ll know which customers are. They list of systems aligned to the HS team is always under review and can change from one POA to the next.

I’d encourage you to pick up a phone and talk to either your manager or one of your local HS reps. That’s probably a better source of info than CP.

yes prepare yourself to lose those big accounts.I have two clinics with over 20 providers that I have called on since joining novo in 2013 that I am losing to HSCDS. Worked so hard to get them to write Tresiba and Ozempic and since i am winning they get taken away. I am actively looking to leave this shithole of a company.

It is truly a wonder that you DCS can walk and chew gum at the same time. If you lose a doctor to the HSDCS Team you also lose the volume as well so it is a net zero loss. It really not that hard to figure out. It's a wonder we are still in business with you chuckleheads walking around. Smarten up and take a math class

yes prepare yourself to lose those big accounts.I have two clinics with over 20 providers that I have called on since joining novo in 2013 that I am losing to HSCDS. Worked so hard to get them to write Tresiba and Ozempic and since i am winning they get taken away. I am actively looking to leave this shithole of a company.

Just go call on whoever is in your call plan. Your job is easy and you get paid a lot to do it. Quit crying and just go do your job.

Current White Space territory’s will soon be introduced to the HSDCS model. That free ride on the COE gravy train has been exposed and the Texas DCS landscape will experience the brunt of these changes. Thank KSP for the nonsense and the new commercial model to pair down FTE (full time employees). Good luck everyone.

Current White Space territory’s will soon be introduced to the HSDCS model. That free ride on the COE gravy train has been exposed and the Texas DCS landscape will experience the brunt of these changes. Thank KSP for the nonsense and the new commercial model to pair down FTE (full time employees). Good luck everyone.

I don’t understand why you feel like you’re competing with other sales forces in the company. Look at your list of customers, and get them to prescribe more. Being happy that something negative is happening to other people in the company doesn’t get you any closer to your sales goals.

It is truly a wonder that you DCS can walk and chew gum at the same time. If you lose a doctor to the HSDCS Team you also lose the volume as well so it is a net zero loss. It really not that hard to figure out. It's a wonder we are still in business with you chuckleheads walking around. Smarten up and take a math class

I think the complaint is that you’re cherry picking customers. Once a DCS spends 2 years getting them interested and just beginning to write, you come in and claim the system and customers as yours, essentially getting growth out of customers that you did none of the legwork with. Everyone understands how goals are calculated and no one thinks a customer no longer in their universe counts towards their goal. We all understand it’s about growth, and that’s what you’re stealing when you cherry pick customers. So, climb down off of your high horse and quit acting like we’re all confused. We’re crystal clear on what a piece of shit you’re being.

It is truly a wonder that you DCS can walk and chew gum at the same time. If you lose a doctor to the HSDCS Team you also lose the volume as well so it is a net zero loss. It really not that hard to figure out. It's a wonder we are still in business with you chuckleheads walking around. Smarten up and take a math class

I think its safe to say a major realign is coming for DCS teams who are losing our hospital owned practices. Most of my territory and district has been bought up by competing hospital systems. Its hard to find a private practice anymore. After doing Veeva align training this morning it appears we are toast.

It is truly a wonder that you DCS can walk and chew gum at the same time. If you lose a doctor to the HSDCS Team you also lose the volume as well so it is a net zero loss. It really not that hard to figure out. It's a wonder we are still in business with you chuckleheads walking around. Smarten up and take a math class

Keep dreaming pal. i have office after office after office going to HS. My volume/potential always stays the same. never decreases. we always hear "you lose the doc, lose the potential" never ever happens. its like socialism - good on paper but when practiced in real life never really pans out.

HS is a failed experiment that needs to die. the problem is this is someones baby and Novo has spent too much effort convincing us this is the way to go and too much money to turn back.

Keep dreaming pal. i have office after office after office going to HS. My volume/potential always stays the same. never decreases. we always hear "you lose the doc, lose the potential" never ever happens. its like socialism - good on paper but when practiced in real life never really pans out.

HS is a failed experiment that needs to die. the problem is this is someones baby and Novo has spent too much effort convincing us this is the way to go and too much money to turn back.

Over the past five years, have your docs joined or been purchased by a system? Do you think in three years there will be more or less docs belonging to systems? Not Novo systems, but customer systems.

If you honsestly answer, then HS isnt a failed experiment, it is an inevitability.

if it takes you 2 years to get them interested and “Starting to write” your words not mine YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOB AND NEED TO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO.

Do you have 100% breadth for all brands, dumb shit? I didn’t think so. That’s why you’re stealing customers from other people. Do some work of your own before telling me I suck at my job. Unlike you, I’m not counting on others to do it for me.

Over the past five years, have your docs joined or been purchased by a system? Do you think in three years there will be more or less docs belonging to systems? Not Novo systems, but customer systems.

If you honsestly answer, then HS isnt a failed experiment, it is an inevitability.

Yes you are right. But, based on your logic, that the new “normal” will be predominantly health systems driven for primary care hcp’s, wouldn't the dcs reps just adapt and deal with it like we have done for several years within the evolving industry...why does that make it more appropriate for hsdcs reps to steal accessible customers from Dcs reps that are contributing to our business? Just because they are owned by the hospital? Its definitely a failed experiment because its causing more disruption with customers and the job is the exact same whether its a DCS or HSDCS....unaccessible health systems are a different topic...

I think the complaint is that you’re cherry picking customers. Once a DCS spends 2 years getting them interested and just beginning to write, you come in and claim the system and customers as yours, essentially getting growth out of customers that you did none of the legwork with. Everyone understands how goals are calculated and no one thinks a customer no longer in their universe counts towards their goal. We all understand it’s about growth, and that’s what you’re stealing when you cherry pick customers. So, climb down off of your high horse and quit acting like we’re all confused. We’re crystal clear on what a piece of shit you’re being.
Sometimes it's about the success of a completed sale and the leverage of that influence with other physicians. Growing writers are a positive indicator of success, no matter what the "total dirt" is.

Over the past five years, have your docs joined or been purchased by a system? Do you think in three years there will be more or less docs belonging to systems? Not Novo systems, but customer systems.

If you honsestly answer, then HS isnt a failed experiment, it is an inevitability.

it is a failed experiment when the job the hsdcs is not different than what the regular dcs is already performing. do you really think access or numbers has increased because of HS role? in some areas maybe but more often no. to me thats a failure..

it is a failed experiment when the job the hsdcs is not different than what the regular dcs is already performing. do you really think access or numbers has increased because of HS role? in some areas maybe but more often no. to me thats a failure..

Hey, ask AA's boys about how successful the HS role has been ! They LOVED that role and explained how it would revolutionize access and be very high level. NOT. Just a glorified DCS role with a bunch of talk wrapped around it.

Hey, ask AA's boys about how successful the HS role has been ! They LOVED that role and explained how it would revolutionize access and be very high level. NOT. Just a glorified DCS role with a bunch of talk wrapped around it.

Are any of “AA’s Boys” still around.? I thought most of them were gone now. Regardless, it might be time to quit blaming things on AA. The monster we have now, is all DL’s creation.