ARD gone from MNK


We have been broken off and now no longer part of MNK to be some separate shit hole! What happens next is thinning the heard ask jobs eliminated and our revenue is sinking. What a great way to scam investors with no longer reporting the anchor of ARD!

what a load of crap. Just say what it is. We are renaming the company because of all the irresponsible shti things we did to the patients we “love and care for”. Now Acthar won’t be a MNK story.

where does all the debt go? Bernie Madoff leadership training finally paying off.
That's the big question. One company could be worth a lot more than the other depending on how the banks (debt holders) allow the restructure. Much of the debt came from failed product purchases. My guess is that the debt will be split. The debt holders will look at declining Acthar rev and want some of the debt placed with the old company for security. Could be a good thing for ARD, until the idiots buy another product that fails. Such a stupid group in leadership. This appears to be a shell game of moving debt to increase one companies stock value a great deal and then reap the benefit. MNK stock has been down for so long and leadership wants to make their $, before getting run out.