Aqua Delivery Poster, Please stand up!

i want to know who is the Aqua Delivery poster!
Any guesses?

Who I am is not important! It is however, my job to help you recognize the importance of the Aqua delivery system, which leads to your universe.
You must learn to follow your universe! I have often said that this is the ONLY way to achieve real and eternal peace! It matters not whether you work for Aqua, or somewhere else. You must strive to attain a peaceful pathway in your life. Pay no attention to other things that try to distract you! Your existence here is meant to flow smoothly- always!

lw-Did you use your company computer to post that reply?

Who watches the watcher?

As I have said before, I do not work for this company, nor have I ever worked for Aqua! The truth!
I merely try to make life much more pleasant and bearable for all employees here.
The Aqua delivery system is paramount to opening up your universal pathway. You will truly achieve peace in your life when this path is followed! This is what your very existence is all about. Once again, I say it is true no matter where you work!
Always seek the happiness which can only be provided by following your universe! There is NO other way to get there!

As I have said before, I do not work for this company, nor have I ever worked for Aqua! The truth!
I merely try to make life much more pleasant and bearable for all employees here.
The Aqua delivery system is paramount to opening up your universal pathway. You will truly achieve peace in your life when this path is followed! This is what your very existence is all about. Once again, I say it is true no matter where you work!
Always seek the happiness which can only be provided by following your universe! There is NO other way to get there!

I call BS. I think you are former marketing, JM. What's up Dude! How's it going? Is it good not to be at the crap company anymore?

I call BS. I think you are former marketing, JM. What's up Dude! How's it going? Is it good not to be at the crap company anymore?

You may of course believe anything you wish! At this point, the only thing that matters is that you accept the Aqua delivery system. As I've often said, this will lead to your universe, which you must follow to achieve eternal peace. Life is less cluttered, and you are able to view things with much greater clarity and truth!
I have never, ever been employed by Aqua. There are so many positives here with regard to universal flow and happiness, that I try to give you all positive advice!! You are able to make positve changes in your life if you keep an open mind and follow the path on which your universe leads you!

Justin M is not the poster, it started long before him. Maybe its Craig or his wife. Although, he has all but checked out and is waiting for his final payday!

I wish someone at Almiral would come in and clean house!

Ted, Lisa, Annie and Roger all need to go!

Don't forget about Stevie E.

Cleaning house is always a good thing! But as I have stated TRUTHFULLY, I have never worked for Aqua!
I merely want the best for all your lives! This can only be done by recognizing the Aqua delivery system, and then following your universe which will immediately open up to you.
Acheiving real, honest eternal peace is your key to successful living! Without it you only exist in a "part- time existence", with no real purpose in your life.
Choose happiness, peace, and success in your life. Follow the path of your universe- always!

Nope, not Jay. He has better things to do during his retirement. The Aqua poster must be someone hired by HR or Craig. At least they know this is a crappy company. It's obvious if you have to hire someone so negative things about the home office and management are buried.

Nope, not Jay. He has better things to do during his retirement. The Aqua poster must be someone hired by HR or Craig. At least they know this is a crappy company. It's obvious if you have to hire someone so negative things about the home office and management are buried.

Aqua is a wonderful, marvelous company! The employees here just need the knowledge of how to live a true, meaningful existence! You CAN do it!
And of course this can only be done by first accepting the Aqua delivery system. Then, only then, will you be able to follow the path your universe will lead you! Achieving eternal peace will be your reward!

Heard from someone who use to work with Tony at Novartis that he is the Aqua man. Ted and Craig are in on it as well and all three will sit around a table in West Chester and create the next response from Aqua.

Originally I thought it was Lisa or Ted, but now that Tony C 's name is thrown out there it totally makes sense!!! He is so FULL of himself he would get off on playing the aqua delivery man!

Originally I thought it was Lisa or Ted, but now that Tony C 's name is thrown out there it totally makes sense!!! He is so FULL of himself he would get off on playing the aqua delivery man!

Quite funny, but again you all seem to be missing the point.
With all the honesty I can muster, I say again I do not now, nor have I ever worked for Aqua. I am satisfied with this, my own honest response to you all! This represents MY universal truth to you!
What I am mostly concerned about however, is that you all accept the Aqua delivery system, and hold onto it and really cherish it!
Your universe comes from your true acceptance of the Aqua delivery system. Your universe gives you a path, a direction, a plan for your life, and the ability to achieve true and lasting peace.- Always. Peace seems to be very much needed in your lives!

Heard from someone who use to work with Tony at Novartis that he is the Aqua man. Ted and Craig are in on it as well and all three will sit around a table in West Chester and create the next response from Aqua.