Why can't we lower our price?
Why can't we lower our price?
This has to be from a new rep or someone who doesn't understand the philosophy of JNJ. First and foremost JNJ believes they are a premium brand therefore the customer should pay a premium price even if it is for products that are a commodity like trocars. Quite frankly hospitals should use the cheapest priced commodity product since they have zero clinical benefit and do the same thing. If you have a job where you sell a product like this, quit now because it has no future.
Reps who say just lower the price are the type of reps who usually have a hand out and expect to get paid regardless of performance and very rarely have any sales ability. Their idea of selling is "the competition is lowering price or giving product away with promo's etc so we should too". When price is your best selling point you know you are in deep shit. Live by price, die by price. Its a losing proposition.
Unfortunately, in this day and age, health care is being driven a lot by price. To say it shouldn't matter would be the ideal situation, but I think the majority of reps are seeing price being too important for alot of these "commodity items." One thing that I would definitely agree with the above poster on is that trocars, catheters, etc have seen there hey day come and go and I wouldn't be caught dead selling that shit because dr's and hospitals have stopped caring. Sure, there are a few hospitals out there that are still using Ethicon or Covidien or Bard, but their days are numbered...... Especially with companies like Applied Medical that sell mostly on price.