

Has it gotten so bad at OM that reps have given up? I haven't heard much from current reps lately. Are you guys busy looking for other jobs or what? Is it still in the bottom 10% of device jobs? How are things nowadays?

There is no reason to complain. It has been an amazing year. Every region has hit quota every month (cmf and sbo). Walt and Jim have led us to the mountaintop and the view is glorious!

There is no reason to complain. It has been an amazing year. Every region has hit quota every month (cmf and sbo). Walt and Jim have led us to the mountaintop and the view is glorious!

Can't speak for SBO but Jim has led CMF. Walt has, finally, let go of the reins and let a sales person make sales decisions!

These replies are flat out lies. This is still a miserable place to work. We are going through layoffs now. I think we may be going under. I don't know who the person is on the inside is that keeps posting lies about how great the company is but this is wrong. This is the kind of integrity you get with this company. They will lie and tell you that everything is great even when the ship is sinking.

These replies are flat out lies. This is still a miserable place to work. We are going through layoffs now. I think we may be going under. I don't know who the person is on the inside is that keeps posting lies about how great the company is but this is wrong. This is the kind of integrity you get with this company. They will lie and tell you that everything is great even when the ship is sinking.
