Anyone want to fuck and drink some beers at the meeting?

I'm pretty excited! 2 of 4 days given for travel! Open bar every night! Old slut bags from around the country ready to go. Did I hear OPEN BARRRRRR!?!?!?! I feel a cold sore coming on...

No wonder the public has such a poor perception of the phamaceutical industry you and people like you with other companies should have never been hired. You and those like you are a disgrace. So enjoy your drunkeness and sex: I am sure you will really be a success back in the territory. Your priorities are really in the right place. You have many displaced award winners across this industry that would love to have your position and would do it more justice than you.

No wonder the public has such a poor perception of the phamaceutical industry you and people like you with other companies should have never been hired. You and those like you are a disgrace. So enjoy your drunkeness and sex: I am sure you will really be a success back in the territory. Your priorities are really in the right place. You have many displaced award winners across this industry that would love to have your position and would do it more justice than you.

...the problem is that they can't have my position! They interviewed for it along with me, guess what, the cream rises to the top so here I am!

You sound like a little spitfire! Would you like to get humped?

...And these really cleaver, funny posts on cafepharma. See?! there's one good thing about Kowa- funny posts on Cafepharma. I knew this company/job was good for something! ...sad that's all it's good for......and sex.....and drinking...and....