Anyone trying to leave CV division for Neuro/new Migraine Med?


New Migraine med seems exciting and I have previous experience in Neuro. However, co promote w/Amgen, calling on PCP, competition, etc. Entresto, while having its own issues, those listed are not among them other than PCPs. Selling a monoclonal versus a pill seems better for the resume in the long run though.


It would be most certainly better for your resume- but unfortunately with the disappointing launch of Entresto and continued poor results you are stuck. Lot of laziness in the CV division and its well know.

Pharma shouldn’t be stressful or difficult..It’s the goofy managers that think the job is more difficult than it is that makes it stressful and hard. Seriously, you show me a matrix of 7 calls a day and I'll show you a report that 4 of the calls are fudge. And these ABLs who think they are coaches!! Seriously weird individuals that actually believe they are able to coach grown adults. It's like a version of the twilight zone on a work w/.

If you thought the relationship with Amgen was going to be them dictating to us what to do, their drug Repatha just crapped the bed. They need this launch to be successful more than ever.

If you thought the relationship with Amgen was going to be them dictating to us what to do, their drug Repatha just crapped the bed. They need this launch to be successful more than ever.

Amgen is expecting this migraine product to be their savior. We all will suffer through the growing pains of poor coverage, etc. Their launch experience is not good--to say the least.