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Anyone read that email from Tosh


Does he have a learning disability or something? Has to be the worst communicator ever. He's gotta go. His email was so poorly constructed no one on my team knew what to make of it..

I think the $135 million decrease in Q4 2016 compared to Q4 2015 in sym, pulm, and tudorza was all that needed to be said. Sell more, earn less. That's the way to do business. And Bevespi? Now that they are leaking out the actual potential numbers, this drug ain't even gonna pay for my gas.

Morons are all that's left. Anyone with a brain has already left this sinking ship.

When was the last time you heard anyone from management speak up and challenge them or try to defend us against some stupid idiotic policy? I think we had an RSD do that about 7 years ago and we never saw him again.

A man busts his own balls, Tosh.0 fans troll a Comedy Central executive, and Daniel demonstrates what nine years of stealing office supplies can get you.

02/07/2017 10:00

The email goes into details around the people involved in stealing office supplies - bummer being caught on TV

Butt has no original thoughts, not a leader--you should see him walk around HO with nothing going on. Puts out a couple of communications now and then, thinking he's earning his paycheck. He should be the next one out.

Butt has no original thoughts, not a leader--you should see him walk around HO with nothing going on. Puts out a couple of communications now and then, thinking he's earning his paycheck. He should be the next one out.

HQ source here, News Flash, we are all faking it. Nobody produces anything of value. Sales people don't sell anything, Managers don't manage, Directors to direct anything or anyone, and Senior Leaders are just seniors who don't lead anyone. It is one big facade that pays really well but not for much longer.