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Anyone hired back from last layoff


I don't know why you would want to even try to get hired back. When Tap and Takeda were seperate they were both great places to work. That is no longer the case. I'll be ready for the next round of layoffs and my plan is to stay away from both Takeda and pharma all together.

Takeda ruined TAP. The Takeda legacy people won't integrate and ARE the problem. I think it is because most of them know they have an inferior work ethic and business acumen compared to TAP legacy people.

Yup, Takeda legacy is the reason TAP had higher salaries. Takeda legacy is the reason the TAP reps were a one trick pony with Prevacid. And Takeda legacy is definitely the reason TAP reps say things like " TAP was so much better to work for, I didn't have to do anything". great work ethic TAP instilled. All Takeda legacy's fault. Get over it cry baby and move on.