Anyone for impeachment?

The the very thin-skinned know nothings who post here wonder these people are referred to as conservatards? Is there any remaining doubt that some of these chickenhawks are dangerous to the country and to world safety?

Rock, once, just ONCE I wish you would post something that was accurate!

Did you even read your own piece-of-shit source?

The damned "secret cable" was about a meeting that took place two years ago!! The only reason the story appeared TWO YEARS LATER was that it was "revealed" by Wikileaks.

Doesn't it bother you even a little bit to be wrong all the time? You are making your entire party look bad.

For crying out loud, child, at least take some pride in yourself.
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Rock, once, just ONCE I wish you would post something that was accurate!

Did you even read your own piece-of-shit source? The damned "secret cable" was about a public meeting that took place two years ago!! Doesn't it bother you to be wrong all the time? For crying out loud, child, at least take some pride in yourself.

Are you the guy who was worried about this board being closed due to name calling?

Rock, once, just ONCE I wish you would post something that was accurate!

Did you even read your own piece-of-shit source? The damned "secret cable" was about a public meeting that took place two years ago!! Doesn't it bother you to be wrong all the time? For crying out loud, child, at least take some pride in yourself.

Dud, as I said before, you don't like the posts, don't read them, and by all means DON"T POST a ridiculous reply. The facts are the facts, McCain and company wanted to play nice with Qaddafi, an now want to criticize president Obama, for taking too long, not doing enough, spending too much, making the situation worse and on and on. Just think of the turmoil that would have happened under McCain and the idiot.

Dud, as I said before, you don't like the posts, don't read them, and by all means DON"T POST a ridiculous reply. The facts are the facts, McCain and company wanted to play nice with Qaddafi, an now want to criticize president Obama, for taking too long, not doing enough, spending too much, making the situation worse and on and on. Just think of the turmoil that would have happened under McCain and the idiot.

I pity you even more than ever. Seriously need psychiatric help.

Of course you conveniently missed the real story. What wwere the goals of working with Gadaffi? Would you have preferred he retain nuclear weapon capabilities? Deals are made with the devil every day where concessions are given to avoid worse outcomes.

I am very far from a McCain supporter but you are obviously trying to rewrite history and digging to the bottom of the barrel in attempts to find a story.

Or are you trying to avoid the real story, that now that Libya is in total chaos, no one knows or has a plan for control of the stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons in the country.