Anyone else Nervous?


They push the start date until April 1st. Amgen seeking a complete injunction against the sales of Praluent. Some say the royalties Regeneron pays to Amgen isn't worth promoting it.

The case went to a jury, which on Wednesday ruled in favor of Amgen that its patents were valid. Amgen also asked for a permanent injunction, which will be decided in a hearing scheduled for March 23-24.

Google Praluent news and let me know what you think? Contract cancelled?

They push the start date until April 1st. Amgen seeking a complete injunction against the sales of Praluent. Some say the royalties Regeneron pays to Amgen isn't worth promoting it.

The case went to a jury, which on Wednesday ruled in favor of Amgen that its patents were valid. Amgen also asked for a permanent injunction, which will be decided in a hearing scheduled for March 23-24.

Google Praluent news and let me know what you think? Contract cancelled?

I'm nervous but from what I've heard, Regeneron/Sanofi wouldn't pull Praluent...they'd most likely pay hefty royalties and increase the price. I hear this has happened before with one of their products. Whatever the case...the hearings are today and tomorrow so we should definitely know something by Friday.

Hoping to know today one way or the other. Life has been on hold for a month now and need to move onto something else if they aren't executing contract. Any updates?? I cannot find any news online.

Same here I have been patiently waiting and after reading these threads, I am becoming concerned about this contract starting. They need to let us know ASAP. Enough already!