Anyone else nervous about Xolair?


I was recently offered, and accepted, a position promoting Xolair. I need a job, and can't afford to be too picky. But I am nervous about how long this contract will last. Will we be looking for jobs again in 6 months to a year? It seems like this is a big experiment for them. The folks I interviewed with didn't even know how they were going to structure an incentive plan. Anyone else feel the same way?

Been trying to express my views about this as well, but some jerk who is drinking the Kool Aid seems to think he knows it all

You're not even on the contract, who gives a crap what you think! Go back to your sample dropping, 2 week routing, focus on reach and frequency gig and let reps with the ability to put cogent thought into action handle this one.

I was recently offered, and accepted, a position promoting Xolair. I need a job, and can't afford to be too picky. But I am nervous about how long this contract will last. Will we be looking for jobs again in 6 months to a year? It seems like this is a big experiment for them. The folks I interviewed with didn't even know how they were going to structure an incentive plan. Anyone else feel the same way?

This is no experiment, it has been done before and apparently succeeded.
Do you have a suggestion on how to objectively track referrals for a incentive plan?

I was recently offered, and accepted, a position promoting Xolair. I need a job, and can't afford to be too picky. But I am nervous about how long this contract will last. Will we be looking for jobs again in 6 months to a year? It seems like this is a big experiment for them. The folks I interviewed with didn't even know how they were going to structure an incentive plan. Anyone else feel the same way?

And to answer your first question, Yes, we will be looking for new jobs in 6 months to a year since this is a one year contract. Was the 1 year not clear when you were interviewing?

No Sparky didn't want the job. Knows too much about Xolair and the companies that promote it (Novartis and Genentech). Sorry to tell you but you will regret in a few months.

You're so smart you prefer unemployment or sample dropping reach and frequency to learning biotech. Yep, we're all stupid and you're not.

You're so smart you prefer unemployment or sample dropping reach and frequency to learning biotech. Yep, we're all stupid and you're not.

Biotech...funny. Not really. I'm way ahead of you just checking in to see that the Kool Aid drinkers are around. Like i said, check back here in a few months to tell me I was sadly mistaken. See you in the trenches, SPARKY!

Biotech...funny. Not really. I'm way ahead of you just checking in to see that the Kool Aid drinkers are around. Like i said, check back here in a few months to tell me I was sadly mistaken. See you in the trenches, SPARKY!

You must be a total moron or a fucking troll (most likely a combination of both) to argue whether or not Xolair is a biologic. Go back to getting your 8 sample signatures a day and check back in a few months. Your ignorance is getting old and I'm done with you Sparky.

Biotech...funny. Not really. I'm way ahead of you just checking in to see that the Kool Aid drinkers are around. Like i said, check back here in a few months to tell me I was sadly mistaken. See you in the trenches, SPARKY!

You are one brilliant little Nancy girl! Genentech has never been biotech, especially since it was formed in the 1970's by one of the first scientists to engage in "recombinant DNA technology". It's easy to see why you whiffed on the interview, have a nice evening logging your sample calls and "entering" your reach and frequency metric-driven "calls", let the experienced and the mature handle this while you continue to embarrass what little is left of this industry.

I just don't get the reason for this contract at all honestly.

Best of luck people, but this won't last long. Anybody that has been in the industry for some time can see it.

To the person calling everyone Sparky. You are a total fucking idiot.

I just don't get the reason for this contract at all honestly.

Best of luck people, but this won't last long. Anybody that has been in the industry for some time can see it.

To the person calling everyone Sparky. You are a total fucking idiot.

It's because you clearly don't have the capacity to look past 8 siggies a day, entering them all as calls, and going where your pod drones tell you to go and when to go there. You're pretty angry Nancy, maybe it's best you look in the mirror instead of harping on others who see opportunity where you can't see at all. Good night now, best for you to rest so you can hold your signature card firmly all day tomorrow.

It's because you clearly don't have the capacity to look past 8 siggies a day, entering them all as calls, and going where your pod drones tell you to go and when to go there. You're pretty angry Nancy, maybe it's best you look in the mirror instead of harping on others who see opportunity where you can't see at all. Good night now, best for you to rest so you can hold your signature card firmly all day tomorrow.

I think that person was right about you, you are f******g idiot

Weak effort, responding to your own posts with nothing of value, kind of like how your normal work day runs isn't it?

Have to laugh that you think it is one person writing everything.
Get over it buddy as there are more people who are smarter than you who just want to voice their opinions. stop being so egotistical and just read the posts and move on to your great job trying to sell Xolair.

Have to laugh that you think it is one person writing everything.
Get over it buddy as there are more people who are smarter than you who just want to voice their opinions. stop being so egotistical and just read the posts and move on to your great job trying to sell Xolair.

Nice work, posting early, all your siggie calls must have lined up well today. Tell me who's smarter, you saying Genentech isn't biotech or you with your ingrained reach-and-frequency-signature mentality? I think you're both afraid of risk and because of that you're stuck in 15 year old marketing tactic hell. I'm looking forward to this challenge with Xolair because I can, you're criticizing me because you can't. Stick to what you know pun'kin and see what that brings you in the future. Run along now, enter your "calls" and collate your siggie forms!

Nice work, posting early, all your siggie calls must have lined up well today. Tell me who's smarter, you saying Genentech isn't biotech or you with your ingrained reach-and-frequency-signature mentality? I think you're both afraid of risk and because of that you're stuck in 15 year old marketing tactic hell. I'm looking forward to this challenge with Xolair because I can, you're criticizing me because you can't. Stick to what you know pun'kin and see what that brings you in the future. Run along now, enter your "calls" and collate your siggie forms!

This is one Kool Aid drinkin' mother fucker right here. OMG !!!

This is one Kool Aid drinkin' mother fucker right here. OMG !!!

Your inability to come up with a new thought here is a perfect demonstration of your inability to do anything remotely different from what you've done in the past. What difference does it make to you that 50 experienced, mature reps are willing to take a chance on a short term, high risk position? Why does that bother you so much (outside of what we know that you're short-sighted, narrow minded and incredibly immature)?