Anyone Else been called about thier salary?


Got a call earlier today from Quintiles person stating that they need to know my current base salary before I can be moved forward. I thought the salary was fixed between 65-68?
Anybody else gotten this call?

Got the same call and I also thought that the salary was fixed so why would it matter what we made previously? We have all had a phone interview, a screening interview with recruiter, and then three more interviews. They are being very selective and I guess they can with all the qualified reps out there looking for work. Best luck to all.

I was asked what my current salary is when I received the call offering me the job but was told $68,000 during my phone interview by the Quintiles manager. What the heck?

No. Asked about my current salary so he could be sure I received at least what I was making but I reminded him he told me 68000 initially. It sounds like they are trying to back out of the higher salary now.

I was not called on the salary issue but was told that the interviewer was grossed out by my huge schlonger. Yes, it's big and stunned her a bit but in no way was she grossed out! As a matter of fact she grabbed it and said . . . . . . . "Wow, I have never seen such a huge honker in my life. I think I'm gonna faint!"

Anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and others be damned!

Will you people calm down please? Hundreds of positions are being filled and it doesn't happen in a week. Stuff gets submitted, reviewed and approved and there's no microwave that facilitates the speed by which this process occurs. There are two companies involved, not one.

I was not called on the salary issue but was told that the interviewer was grossed out by my huge schlonger. Yes, it's big and stunned her a bit but in no way was she grossed out! As a matter of fact she grabbed it and said . . . . . . . "Wow, I have never seen such a huge honker in my life. I think I'm gonna faint!"

Anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and others be damned!


Every time you post it gets funnier and funnier!!!!!


Poster # 3, you said you got a call offering you the job? That is great news, congrats. Hopefully others will be getting these offers also.

My contact person told me yesterday that no offers have been given yet, they do have a list of who they want to hire in areas where interviews have been completed but Janssen has not given ok to make any official offers yet.

I spoke with a recruiter this week as well for an initial interview as the 2nd person for this territory. The recruiter stated that they did indeed select 1 candidate already but don't wish to make the official offer to that person until they have selected the 2nd candidate and both offers are set forth at the same time. Recruite stated that the initial date of Sept 2nd may be difficult to achieve.

I was asked what my current salary is when I received the call offering me the job but was told $68,000 during my phone interview by the Quintiles manager. What the heck?

We ask your current salary because if you were part of a downsizing and made 80,000 then obviously 68000 would not be enough and you would constantly be looking to replace the loss instead of focusing on your job. Happy employees work harder.

To the poster regarding not hiring a downsized rep with a previous salary of 80,000.00.... please understand that in todays economy, making 68,000.00 plus bonus would be a true blessing and very much appreciated. The past is the past and it is almost impossible to find another position offering a new employee the same salary it took someone years to earn. Why would a company want to punish reps for being successful in the past? They should grab these reps as quickly as possible, treat them with respect and a decent salary and they in turn will be grateful to be employeed again and work hard (At least I would). Sometimes it takes loosing something to realize how good you had it and never take it for granted again. The alternative is being unemployed which is not a good scenario. I do hope that Janssen sees the value in someone no matter what their previous salary was.