As if the Xolair sales reps do anything either. Face it the PUDs and AIs know the patients to put on the drug. None of the Xolair team does shit. Bunch of damn freeloaders, but that is true about most of Genentech.

Upper mgmt doesn't care anything about any of us. Ask them. Oh yea that's right, they don't talk to us either. In a recent product team meeting that should be about field ideas, mgmt gave all of their ideas and that's all we could work with. All they wanted was the field to tell them their ideas were great, we did but, the ideas were and will not be productive to anyone. We are now trying to do what other companies did and failed, what's up with that?

Neither do any of the other FRM teams. Best "make work" jobs in the whole organization. House of cards will eventually collapse as revenues continue to decline.
You've got to be kidding me! Lucentis wouldn't even be a 50 million dollar product without the FRM's. I'm a CS and my FRM is carrying me!

If you are being "carried" by your FRM, you are neither clinical or a specialist. The BioOnc FRMs make some sense but all of the others are a joke. They only exist because the franchises saw value in the BioOnc group so they had to have them too. Really, a Field Reimbursement Manager for endocrine. Get real. As for Xolair, they never did anything to start with and they are even less needed now. The only FRMs that have been cut are Raptiva related positions. They were worthless too.

My manager has never listened, he is too busy telling you how he knows everything. It doesn't matter what you say, he has a better way to do it or advise on how you can do it better. He was in sales but was terrible and some how got promoted. Amazing. most people in his division are looking for jobs and he doesn't have a clue.

WOW a shock

Genentech mgt knows everything and doesnt listen. Well of course that is how they became such a successful company..... Oh wait no they have a couple of products that sell themselves. Wow you douchebags really need a reality check.