Anybody But Biden


I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.


I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.
You idiots from the Kremlin are so stupid. Real Americans know that we have the lowest overall inflation and lowest core inflation of all developed nations at a time of global inflation. We are destroying the Russian's brutal army without firing a shot. We have the best jobs environment if 50 years. The stock market has reached all time highs. Sure we have higher interest rates than we would like but smart people know that is required to fight inflation and that it will lead to long term growth.

We will never vote for the traitor Trump who is the only US president who has ever tried to stage a coup after he was voted out of office. He was convicted unanimously by a 12 person jury who his attorneys had a hand in choosing.

I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.

Right, bring in the guy who wanted to 'execute' the general he appointed, who served as the 20th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from October 1, 2019 to September 29, 2023. That oughtta fix it, right? LOL.

You are brain dead!

I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.
You just love to sit back and stir the shit pot, don't you? Even if you could blame all of the shit above on Biden, he's better than a racist, seditious liar that is a buddy to Putin.

I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.
HIS hyperinflation? Your ignorance is appalling. Donald Trump appointed Powell as Chairman right after he was elected - sheesh!

I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.
Sure, vote for convicted felon AND all of the convicted felons that have surrounded the newly convicted felon Donnie Drumpf.

I stand with tens of millions of others (Dems, Reps, and Independents) and say enough is enough….Biden (or whomever is actually in charge) MUST GO! His hyperinflation, world wars, and anti democratic use of the judicial system has to stop. Nearly all polls show this election will be a landslide, so let’s hope those counting the votes realize we are watching.
Sure. I’m going to not vote for Biden who has actually been a very good president however old, but instead vote for a sociopathic criminal who rapes women or else the guy with a worm in his brain. GFY

I can't believe people have forgotten what it was really like under\ the GB. By almost any measure it was a sh**show.
One obvious explanation is 45 Trump lies relentlessly about his record, so after a while people start to believe him. According to 45, we had unprecedented prosperity, the greatest foreign policy, the safest, the cleanest, the most peaceful world in human history and it immediately turned into a toxic dystopia on his departure from the White House.The reality was far different.

From the day after the election, 45's presidential tenure was a non-stop scandal. Even in the early days of the transition, there were substantial and well-founded charges of corruption, nepotism and collusion with foreign adversaries. There was the early firing of his national security advisor, the subsequent firing of the FBI director and the appointment of a special counsel. He managed to set a record while in the White House: the highest number of staff and cabinet turnovers in history, 85%. Some were forced out due to their unscrupulous behavior, others quit or were fired after they refused to carry out unethical or illegal orders ordered by the president. This continued throughout the term until the very last days of his presidency when a handful of Cabinet members, including the attorney general, resigned over his Big Lie and refusal to accept his loss.

Yes, those were really good times. Let's sign on for another four years of chaos, corruption and criminality.

There are worse things in life than inflation.

I can't believe people have forgotten what it was really like under\ the GB. By almost any measure it was a sh**show.
One obvious explanation is 45 Trump lies relentlessly about his record, so after a while people start to believe him. According to 45, we had unprecedented prosperity, the greatest foreign policy, the safest, the cleanest, the most peaceful world in human history and it immediately turned into a toxic dystopia on his departure from the White House.The reality was far different.

From the day after the election, 45's presidential tenure was a non-stop scandal. Even in the early days of the transition, there were substantial and well-founded charges of corruption, nepotism and collusion with foreign adversaries. There was the early firing of his national security advisor, the subsequent firing of the FBI director and the appointment of a special counsel. He managed to set a record while in the White House: the highest number of staff and cabinet turnovers in history, 85%. Some were forced out due to their unscrupulous behavior, others quit or were fired after they refused to carry out unethical or illegal orders ordered by the president. This continued throughout the term until the very last days of his presidency when a handful of Cabinet members, including the attorney general, resigned over his Big Lie and refusal to accept his loss.

Yes, those were really good times. Let's sign on for another four years of chaos, corruption and criminality.

There are worse things in life than inflation.
I guess we remember things differently. I remember low inflation, low gas prices, business giving bonuses to employees due to tax cuts, record low unemployment, no foreign wars, energy independence, low illegal immigration, etc. All of those things occurred while the Russian hoax was being perpetrated on the country. Yes, COVID put an end to that run of prosperity, but that was hardly Trump’s fault. I do remember mean tweets though, which I thought were funny at first but became annoying and unnecessary. Most of what you said I agree with, but frankly I don’t care about staff turnover. Here’s where we differ. I think Trump was targeted from day one by democrats, the media, and our intelligence agencies. So, his behavior, while not becoming to me (and most), is somewhat understandable given the all-out assault on his presidency and person. He is his own worst enemy in many ways, but I’m not sure how a traditional politician would handle the shit he was subjected to. I suspect they would quit.

I guess we remember things differently. I remember low inflation, low gas prices, business giving bonuses to employees due to tax cuts, record low unemployment, no foreign wars, energy independence, low illegal immigration, etc. All of those things occurred while the Russian hoax was being perpetrated on the country. Yes, COVID put an end to that run of prosperity, but that was hardly Trump’s fault. I do remember mean tweets though, which I thought were funny at first but became annoying and unnecessary. Most of what you said I agree with, but frankly I don’t care about staff turnover. Here’s where we differ. I think Trump was targeted from day one by democrats, the media, and our intelligence agencies. So, his behavior, while not becoming to me (and most), is somewhat understandable given the all-out assault on his presidency and person. He is his own worst enemy in many ways, but I’m not sure how a traditional politician would handle the shit he was subjected to. I suspect they would quit.
‘Of course he was targeted from Day 1 by theDemocrats. And iden was targeted from Day 1 by the GOP. That’s politics. Even his AG (Barr) said that but ended up saying he had no business in the White House. As did his VP. Had the man been a statesman instead of a heap TV huckster and conceded the election gracefully, he likely would be welcomed back. But himself CHOSE to use dirty tricks liked fake electors and phone calls to the governor of Georgia using mob boss language about ‘finding him votes’. And if that wasn’t enough he really crossed the line disrespecting our military leaders suggesting that the Jointt Chief of staff be executed which is straight out of Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin‘s playbook. He needs to be out of politics and go back to Real.Estate or TV.

I guess we remember things differently. I remember low inflation, low gas prices, business giving bonuses to employees due to tax cuts, record low unemployment, no foreign wars, energy independence, low illegal immigration, etc. All of those things occurred while the Russian hoax was being perpetrated on the country. Yes, COVID put an end to that run of prosperity, but that was hardly Trump’s fault. I do remember mean tweets though, which I thought were funny at first but became annoying and unnecessary. Most of what you said I agree with, but frankly I don’t care about staff turnover. Here’s where we differ. I think Trump was targeted from day one by democrats, the media, and our intelligence agencies. So, his behavior, while not becoming to me (and most), is somewhat understandable given the all-out assault on his presidency and person. He is his own worst enemy in many ways, but I’m not sure how a traditional politician would handle the shit he was subjected to. I suspect they would quit.
The way he handled it WAS his fault. He FAILED. and he failed miserably. Coasted on Obama's economic recovery. And he surrounded himself with idiots - Flynn, Kushner, Barr, and an endless list of incompetent dolts. NEVER AGAIN

The way he handled it WAS his fault. He FAILED. and he failed miserably. Coasted on Obama's economic recovery. And he surrounded himself with idiots - Flynn, Kushner, Barr, and an endless list of incompetent dolts. NEVER AGAIN
Right! NEVER AGAIN until November. I can’t wait to see the lib tears. What city will you destroy?

I guess we remember things differently. I remember low inflation, low gas prices, business giving bonuses to employees due to tax cuts, record low unemployment, no foreign wars, energy independence, low illegal immigration, etc. All of those things occurred while the Russian hoax was being perpetrated on the country. Yes, COVID put an end to that run of prosperity, but that was hardly Trump’s fault. I do remember mean tweets though, which I thought were funny at first but became annoying and unnecessary. Most of what you said I agree with, but frankly I don’t care about staff turnover. Here’s where we differ. I think Trump was targeted from day one by democrats, the media, and our intelligence agencies. So, his behavior, while not becoming to me (and most), is somewhat understandable given the all-out assault on his presidency and person. He is his own worst enemy in many ways, but I’m not sure how a traditional politician would handle the shit he was subjected to. I suspect they would quit.
What foreign wars is Joe Biden responsible for?

Always about retribution and never about solutions. Are all of you sick in the head? I already know the answer.
He wants to run for election on a problem not a solution - and he doesn't have a solution as evidenced by the promises he made in his previous stint. He dreams of being able to say, "You're fired!" again, then he wants us to pay his bills. He's a sick man that MTG compares to Jesus and Nelson Mandela. He says the bible is the most treasured book in his house. And he holds it upside down just like one of our SCOTUS judges flies our flag. Looks like he's gonna pick 'Little Marco' for his running mate. These guys love being insulted - like the Cruiser and his wife. Wonder how long 'Little Marco' will last - LOL

He wants to run for election on a problem not a solution - and he doesn't have a solution as evidenced by the promises he made in his previous stint. He dreams of being able to say, "You're fired!" again, then he wants us to pay his bills. He's a sick man that MTG compares to Jesus and Nelson Mandela. He says the bible is the most treasured book in his house. And he holds it upside down just like one of our SCOTUS judges flies our flag. Looks like he's gonna pick 'Little Marco' for his running mate. These guys love being insulted - like the Cruiser and his wife. Wonder how long 'Little Marco' will last - LOL
Or is he just trying to stay out of prison?
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DRUMPF is the reason COVID killed MILLIONS. He had a chance to lockdown the entire country but instead he let his redneck antivaxxer supporters run wild spreading disease. It’s a good thing most of those idiots are dead now. We all know who were protected by US aka those who did the right thing. MUH FREEDOM. You all belong in jail too and hopefully will be before you get a chance to vote for orange man.

DRUMPF is the reason women can’t get abortions in some states.

DRUMPF is the reason people are crippled by debt because he won’t forgive college loans.

DRUMPF inspires hate wherever he goes and is the least popular and worst “president” of all time.

DRUMPF is a BIGOTED, white supremacist rapist and LIAR who is full of hate, who will be grabbed by the pussy once he’s where he belongs. JAIL.

DRUMPF is the reason COVID killed MILLIONS. He had a chance to lockdown the entire country but instead he let his redneck antivaxxer supporters run wild spreading disease. It’s a good thing most of those idiots are dead now. We all know who were protected by US aka those who did the right thing. MUH FREEDOM. You all belong in jail too and hopefully will be before you get a chance to vote for orange man.

DRUMPF is the reason women can’t get abortions in some states.

DRUMPF is the reason people are crippled by debt because he won’t forgive college loans.

DRUMPF inspires hate wherever he goes and is the least popular and worst “president” of all time.

DRUMPF is a BIGOTED, white supremacist rapist and LIAR who is full of hate, who will be grabbed by the pussy once he’s where he belongs. JAIL.
You seem really stable….said no one about you, ever.