any regrets from pharma?


I may have an opportunity to leave the pharma world after many years and rep for a specialty pharmacy. I have read the past posts but it is hard to see any consensus of opinion. Is there anyone who has made the transition that has regretted it? Loved it? Any thoughts would be welcome and appreciated.

I may have an opportunity to leave the pharma world after many years and rep for a specialty pharmacy. I have read the past posts but it is hard to see any consensus of opinion. Is there anyone who has made the transition that has regretted it? Loved it? Any thoughts would be welcome and appreciated.

It's a better job. I worked as a primary care rep and transitioned to specialty pharmacy rep for a year and half. SP sales is harder work, more account management, putting our fires. I would say more rewarding and challenging. Work it for two years and learn the industry. Then get a job in biotech. Surprising SP pharmacy experience makes you highly marketable. I am not working for a high profile biotech opportunity.