Any New Updates on Gilenya Status for 2020?


Been pretty quiet. Anyone hear what’s really going on for the Gilenya Sales Force in 2020?
Anything that we can read between the lines?
If we will be done would start looking for new gig. Best time for new job I
is right now as companies gear up for 2020 .

My local Gilenya rep is trying to "hop the contract" and has applied directly to Novartis. Amplity mgr supported the application. I believe you have to get written approval to accept a position with Novartis per the terms of the contract. Hopping the contract will not be permitted unless the contract is going down.
It will be interesting to see what happens.

Hopping the contract has never been allowed and is not allowed now (unless the contract is going down).
HR is totally opposed to reps hopping the contract. Don't be surprised if you end up receiving a written warning in the near future. They always get rid of people who are short timers/have no loyalty/don't understand contracts/and try to hop the contract.

Novartis managers were instructed to report who from Amplity applied for Novartis openings to the person's Amplity DM.
Amplity DM's then had to notify Amplity HR;
so you are now a target for termination.

The leadership on that contract sucks. Leader is Cedric El Amin. Lots of chatting about how BADLY he treats reps. Loves to threaten people; give out bogus written warnings; fire people and puts people on the do not hire list. He is truly a terrible individual and ruins this contract. Beware.

Novartis managers were instructed to report who from Amplity applied for Novartis openings to the person's Amplity DM.
Amplity DM's then had to notify Amplity HR;
so you are now a target for termination.

You don’t know what you are talking about. We were told that we are eligible to apply. Shut up!!

Confused-so FDA approves but still tied up in litigation?
Are these generics ok to start launch and if court rules in Novartis side then generics must cease and desist?
Confusing to all.

The leadership on that contract sucks. Leader is Cedric El Amin. Lots of chatting about how BADLY he treats reps. Loves to threaten people; give out bogus written warnings; fire people and puts people on the do not hire list. He is truly a terrible individual and ruins this contract. Beware.
I'm grateful that I don't work under Cedric the Entertainers leadership - sounds like a Grade B horror movie!

Cedric is a disaster in all ways. He thinks that all white people look alike and does not know anyone's names including his direct reports. He is a total joke.
My question is; why has he not been fired?
He is not a fit for Novartis, for sure.