Any new changes?


I was wondering what changes, if any, have been implemented by Lextron since the buyout last year? Not looking to start a hostile thread, I used to know a lot of people at DVMR and I would like to know how things are over there now. Were there any purges at the home office or in the field? Maybe some new chages for the better? Just curious, hope everyone is doing well whether you are still there or not.

Not much changes in management lately. They are looking at hiring/promoting a few ASMs and moving a few into director roles in the next year. Several longtime and PC reps have left recently either by choice or their #s were declining and not making commissions like they used to. Looking to bring on another large incoming class of new hires.

Who is getting promoted to the director role? MM hasn't had one of those since Jennifer S. left back in '08... that's why the field managers have had no boss to answer to...maybe the takeover by Lextron has changed this?

Who is getting promoted to the director role? MM hasn't had one of those since Jennifer S. left back in '08... that's why the field managers have had no boss to answer to...maybe the takeover by Lextron has changed this?

Word on the street is another merger in the works w/AHI & Midwest by year end.

RUN RUN RUN! I hope everyone that is/was a DVMR employee goes on to better things. AHII is seriously the worst company I have ever worked for. They are hiring now for new outside and inside reps because so many people have left or been laid off. Now with the new compensation plan (where you get paid much less), they can bring on new people for less money.

We are losing sales big time and I hear customers complain every single day about this company. All I can say is I am sorry and do the best I can to clean up the never ending mess. I will never understand how the people in upper management (esp Z) made it this far, seriously. I believe most people I know are looking for jobs and we will be gone just as soon as we do.

I'm hearing more and more stories about ahi sales reps stealing money from customer loyalty programs. Is it true?! That could get ugly for business if those clinics found out...

Not much news being relayed in any of these threads. Is everyone afraid to post anything new? Looks like thousands of views, and a handful of posts. Good luck to everyone still with the company.

Mark Ziller replaced Middleton and he is at the heart of the corruption. He has no people skills at all but yet dictates how sales should be done!?! I have no idea how he got to where he is... oh wait, it is because he is married into the Adent/Hummel family.