Hearing FDEs in CV Health will be let go in August. Anybody else hear this?
Not just CV. All FDEs are gone. Sorry.
Funny. Turning the story around to dishearten the FDEs. Tell the truth. You know it, you just won't reveal it. Truth is Lilly's sales force will soon be all FDEs or contractors. Current Lilly sales employees will be given the opportunity to be rebadged under one of the current contract firms. An FDE will soon be the most coveted job as it has greater benefits than those of contractors. Limited in duration yes, but they will be offered an opportunity with one of the contract firms at the end of their contract. In the mean time they have Lilly benefits for the next 18 to 36 months which is longer than the current Lilly workforce will have them.
Massive cuts coming to LRL, especially in DCRT and NSD components. Get the CVs ready, folks.
CV? Honey, you may be from HR, but just fyi, it's called RESUME in the real world.
Resume a sane unambiguous existence.
Sucer les couilles poilus, votre fille sale d'une prostituée folle
Sucer les couilles poilus, votre fille sale d'une prostituée folle
Glad to see we still have a French affiliate onboard. Thought they ran off with the patents.
Sucer les couilles poilus, votre fille sale d'une prostituée folle
Google translater: Suck hairy balls, your filthy daughter of a prostitute wild
Je prefere le tame ones moi self.
If you stare at that quote long enough it looks like english -- no translation needed.