Any information on Crucell Vacines??


Can anyone shed some light on Crucell? How are they to work for? I know they were just bought out buy J&J....but I'm trying to get a feel for the quality of their products.

I've got an offer coming in. I'm currenty in "big pharma" and doing well. The attraction with Crucell is going to a smaller company and have a vertical call point (GP's, specialists, pharmacies, travel clinics, key accounts).

The compensation seems to be the same as what I'm currently getting, so it's a lateral move in that regard. The opportunity for career development seems better as there might be some expansions happening in the future.

Any thoughts?


What vaccines do they have? I don't know how vaccines are sold compared to pharmaceuticals but if the company was bought by J&J it's probably good. Keep in mind though - if it seems like a small company now, J&J will likely infect it with its big phama BS and you will eventually have tons of stupid busy work to keep you occupied when you aren't selling their vaccines so eventually you will be working for big pharma. Especially when J&J reorganizes someday and folds this division in with another one of their divisions.

Bottom line, you need to develop a good relationship with your boss if you want to get ahead. Do you know what I am getting at here? If you are female, I have seen flirting and sexy dressing work well, coupled with a big smile. If you are a dude, hmmmmmmmm--- I will have to think about it.

You can also find ways to psych our your counterparts and play games to get ahead as well.

Good luck