Any ideas on what the new product will be?

Kowa has been "talking about" acquiring another product, or developing another product for at least a decade. The closest they have come to developing something new was a clincal trial about 5 years ago for Livalo 10mg extended release which was going to compete against high intensity statins; however the clinical trials were an unmitigated failure.

New? Hahahha. There is nothing about Kowa that is new. We are the industry janitors. The good ones leave, The Washed up stays. Kowa is the only pharma company whose employees qualify for food stamp and government assistance with our full salary.

Leave? for what? This is the best part time opportunity to supplement my income. I only leave home for the occasional signature when I have a real appointment at the hospital for my full-time career. Please don't be naive, I am not the only smart one here.

Wow, what an arrogant asshole! If you are double dipping, why announce it and make life more difficult for all your co workers at Kowa? If you brag that much, I call bullshit.