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Any ideas as to what is next for this dump of a company


Yeah...give more reps BY and LN to increase share of voice.

That way every doctor will get sick of hearing about them 7 times a week and decide not to see reps anymore.

This company traded one clown in JL for another idiot in CR.

CR’s entire strategy is ALWAYS to give every sales person on the team either Linzess, Viberzi or both. Selling Botox? We will toss one off these in your bag. Selling Restasis? We will probably toss both in your bag since everyone should have 2 eyes.
Secondly, he will encourage EVERY Manager to locate and jettison at least 1 malcontent on their team. He will do this as a sign of loyalty to him. Don’t have one on your team? Tough. FIND ONE. These people will be used to make an example of so he only has ‘his’ people working. Look for turn over to accelerate at an unbelievable rate. It’s already high now, but just wait.
Don’t believe me? Look at what he has done at every stop at Forest, Actavis, Allergan. He seems himself as the Great Sales Swingali. He will also promote SB somewhere so she ‘can be close at hand’ and look for a return of JD. Those are his people and he takes care of his own

There is a "goals" meeting this week in NJ for Irvine remaining scientist heads. Really?? Goals?? Irvine does what again? 30 people left in R&D! The ship is almost under the waves!

CR’s entire strategy is ALWAYS to give every sales person on the team either Linzess, Viberzi or both. Selling Botox? We will toss one off these in your bag. Selling Restasis? We will probably toss both in your bag since everyone should have 2 eyes.
Secondly, he will encourage EVERY Manager to locate and jettison at least 1 malcontent on their team. He will do this as a sign of loyalty to him. Don’t have one on your team? Tough. FIND ONE. These people will be used to make an example of so he only has ‘his’ people working. Look for turn over to accelerate at an unbelievable rate. It’s already high now, but just wait.
Don’t believe me? Look at what he has done at every stop at Forest, Actavis, Allergan. He seems himself as the Great Sales Swingali. He will also promote SB somewhere so she ‘can be close at hand’ and look for a return of JD. Those are his people and he takes care of his own

You’re right! I’m a DM and I make sure I try to move out any bottom reps when I have them. Best way to do it! Saves so much time compares ton trying to coach losers like you! And I love all the stock and Club wins!

PC?!? WTF cares about PC? It’s o total joke in these diluted old pod systems. I just get up and go through my day like a zombie. Say hi to most everyone with some office calls mixed in. Get my 9-10 calls in with 6 being sigs and just tell them what drugs I’m leaving. Then I’m done. Hope everything falls my way. You’re just hoping whether you break your neck or not in this system.
Anyway I did my rout like a good employee and checked off all the boxes

You’re right! I’m a DM and I make sure I try to move out any bottom reps when I have them. Best way to do it! Saves so much time compares ton trying to coach losers like you! And I love all the stock and Club wins!

This is a Prime example of Leadership v Management. According to this person if one of their Reps made PC one year but finished near the bottom the next (and that often happens) They would jettison that Rep.
By their own admission, this person has no idea how to make anyone else maximize their strengths.
By their own admission this person would rather save time and waste the Company assets, Human and financial. They cannot be bothered to do anything on their own. They would rather spend The Companies money hiring and training rep after rep while territories remain vacant and revenue stagnates or declines in those spots, than take time to work with the people they hired in the first place.
These types of individuals garner no type of loyalty. No desire to go the extra mile. No sense of ownership for those that work for them.

Basically everything that CR is looking for in a new sycophant

This is a Prime example of Leadership v Management. According to this person if one of their Reps made PC one year but finished near the bottom the next (and that often happens) They would jettison that Rep.
By their own admission, this person has no idea how to make anyone else maximize their strengths.
By their own admission this person would rather save time and waste the Company assets, Human and financial. They cannot be bothered to do anything on their own. They would rather spend The Companies money hiring and training rep after rep while territories remain vacant and revenue stagnates or declines in those spots, than take time to work with the people they hired in the first place.
These types of individuals garner no type of loyalty. No desire to go the extra mile. No sense of ownership for those that work for them.

Basically everything that CR is looking for in a new sycophant

And this is why NO ONE respects sales scum! DM's and RM's are a joke! Been that way for years!

Bystolic goes generic in early 2021 so basically the company will give up marketing in 2020 which is just 2 years away.

Viberzi is a huge flop. Totally market wrong because small market, expensive specialty drugs need a lot of attention which you don’t get with a POD system selling 4 drugs. Gallbladder contraindication hurt too obviously.

Viibryd is in its last leg so to speak.

So in Primary Care you’re down to Linzess (which isn’t our drug) and Vrylar. Vrylar was also launched horribly, has tons of generic competition and has a terribly high rate of tardivdyskanesia.

Hopefully the antidepressant gets approved if not we are totally fvcked. Even then it may be mostly used by Psych setting.

I can see PC getting down to 1 rep in each territory. 2 reps would be the max but 1 is a very real possibility in the next 2 years....oh yeah..you notice we don’t ha e but a few left in RD. Not good

Bystolic goes generic in early 2021 so basically the company will give up marketing in 2020 which is just 2 years away.

Viberzi is a huge flop. Totally market wrong because small market, expensive specialty drugs need a lot of attention which you don’t get with a POD system selling 4 drugs. Gallbladder contraindication hurt too obviously.

Viibryd is in its last leg so to speak.

So in Primary Care you’re down to Linzess (which isn’t our drug) and Vrylar. Vrylar was also launched horribly, has tons of generic competition and has a terribly high rate of tardivdyskanesia.

Hopefully the antidepressant gets approved if not we are totally fvcked. Even then it may be mostly used by Psych setting.

I can see PC getting down to 1 rep in each territory. 2 reps would be the max but 1 is a very real possibility in the next 2 years....oh yeah..you notice we don’t ha e but a few left in RD. Not good

CR’s entire strategy is ALWAYS to give every sales person on the team either Linzess, Viberzi or both. Selling Botox? We will toss one off these in your bag. Selling Restasis? We will probably toss both in your bag since everyone should have 2 eyes.
Secondly, he will encourage EVERY Manager to locate and jettison at least 1 malcontent on their team. He will do this as a sign of loyalty to him. Don’t have one on your team? Tough. FIND ONE. These people will be used to make an example of so he only has ‘his’ people working. Look for turn over to accelerate at an unbelievable rate. It’s already high now, but just wait.
Don’t believe me? Look at what he has done at every stop at Forest, Actavis, Allergan. He seems himself as the Great Sales Swingali. He will also promote SB somewhere so she ‘can be close at hand’ and look for a return of JD. Those are his people and he takes care of his own

I worked in the CR system. You nailed it.

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