Any advice?


I currently work for a sports med distributorship and have been for 1.5yrs. I make about 75k. I will make more in the next year. I have an interview with osteomed coming up. Just wondering if this would be a step up or down in my career? Please be truthful, if you are a competitor don't bother responding!

You don't really provide enough info for a fair answer. It depends what you are selling in sports med and with what company. It also depends on the time you spend in surgery and the amount of input or advice you provide in the cases.

Some territories at OsteoMed are great, most are decent, while a few others are just about hopeless. You need to look into the history of the territory you are looking at to determine if there is a good opportunity. Territories will be smaller than a large company like Synthes but that does not mean you can't make money.

This is a good company, but you have to be in the right spot.

It is a lateral move. I definitely would not do it since it will make you look like a job hopper when you try and leave OsteoMed in a couple of years. The territory you are moving into couldn't possibly be making over $80k so why would you leave if you are making that already? OsteoMed is a good springboard into a med device career at another company but it sounds like you have that already. The product line and management is really really bad at OsteoMed. Unless they make widespread changes at the top it is a dead end job. Most companies in med device are poorly run honestly, but OsteoMed has to be one of the worst. If there are 100 companies in the industry I would say that OsteoMed is ranked somewhere from 90-100. Basically in the bottom 10 percentile. Thats saying a lot since the companies above it aren't great themselves.

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