Antidepressants = dying younger

Are you trying to tell me that my heart and soul is about to go the way of Vioxx?

Well thanks for the warning.

Will get the word out asap on Mon.

Thanks. The Red Book says to do the right thing. The right thing I will do.

Yes.... this is good, our new antidepressant has none of these side effects!!

"Because we didn't see an association between depression itself and a thickening of the carotid artery, it strengthens the argument that it is more likely the antidepressants than the actual depression that could be behind the association," said Dr. Amit Shah, cardiology fellow at Emory University in Atlanta, who presented the data.
"This study reminds us that medicines often have side effects we can't feel, and we should always take that into account. These drugs provide a lot of benefit, but should be considered on a case-by-case basis," Shah said.
Shah hypothesized that the raising of levels of certain brain chemicals, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, through antidepressant use may cause blood vessels to constrict, leading to decreases in blood flow to organs and higher blood pressure -- a risk factor for atherosclerosis.
"Because this was a twin study, we had a very well controlled analysis comparing brothers who are anywhere from 50 to 100 percent genetically similar and were raised in the same household," Shah said.

The new anti-depressant is produced in our secret facility just north of Indianapolis. It is produced with feminized seeds from Holland and grown in completely sustainable conditions. The whole process is carbon-neutral. The nearby creek provides the water, and the nearby chicken farm provides all of the fertilizer.

Surprisingly, we are able to find employees that work for free on a part-time basis. Each and every one has a doctor's prescription for our product, and each gets free refills, just like the Lilly of "the good old days" (which was 5 years ago, or more, depending on who you talk to, and how much of the new product they have consumed.

Employees, please stop by when you have a chance. Be sure to bring your prescription. Also, if you want to provide a day of service, bib overalls, gloves, gatorade and something to munch on should the urge strike.

What a lot of food for thought (on a Saturday night, even!). I suppose that my gut feel for this is, well all fine and good over decades. Nobody's arguing with that, and it should be advertised as freely as are Cialis and Cymbalta ads. REALLY. That would be a commendable public service to the citizens of the USA.

Why not have Public Service Ads directed at American Citizens.

What a concept. Somebody give me a Nobel Prize... whooooosh ... oh that's a good one.

Antidepressant = alzhemier type syndrome.

All doctors know...this returning patient with loss of memory is added advantage...bring those Obamacare money...babe, babe...huh huh!!

Antidepressant = alzhemier type syndrome.

All doctors know...this returning patient with loss of memory is added advantage...bring those Obamacare money...babe, babe...huh huh!!

Interesting, so you think a market is growing for strattera and ritalin ?? That could be studied for sure. It is clear that sometimes antipychotics are added to the neurotransmitter soup ... waiter there ze fly in my soup!