Anthrex Territory Maryland and Virginia


"good things come to those that stay". The problem is...what will we do when even recent college grads realize this job is a stepping stone at best? We will be recruiting at high school career days before the close of this decade. Stryker, ZB, and Depuy will see who is still standing after 2 years with us and take their pick.

This is the next pharma company! 750K per rep! Next year it will be 600K then 500K the following. We all knows what happens after that. Lunch Delivery please

This is so true! The writing is on the wall with this company. Very sad as Arthrex was such an amazing company for so many years. This is the Sales 101 of what not to do! Economy picks up and so does Arthrex growth and they believe they are doing things right......ha ha

Big change just took place this week with the Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and Washington DC Agent. 80 percent of Virginia was taken away and given to the manager for the agency. SC must have forgotten to include the non-solicitation clause with his contract with Arthrex.

The Arthrex market share for Video in Virginia is gone. Smith and Nephew continues to put the hurt on and flip accounts. Once you lose the video the implants will drift away.

Dude you think we care about video??? The implants will drift yea they will drift money into my pocket you dumb fuck. Smith and Nephew can’t even stand in the same room let alone level of Arthrex anchors. The video is just an added bonus on top of all the other shit we sell and get paid on you fool. Don’t worry I’ll let you keep your pump shaver and wand for another year. Then I’ll take it just because I can and leave you with your dick in your hand.

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